Sunday 3 October 2021

Hello everyone....


Hello everyone,

We hope you have all had a great weekend with lots of puddle jumping walks. Last week we enjoyed listening to a variety of farming/harvest stories including the Scarecrow Wedding, The enormous Turnip, tractor stories and lots more. 
On Monday, Wednesday and Thursday a small group of children went to the school orchard to collect apples and pears and to the chicken to collect eggs. They made some yummy apple muffins with the ingredients. We hope you all enjoyed them. 
On Monday the children went over to school to look at the John Deere tractor. We talked all about shapes, colours, about the different parts of the tractor and the job it does. 
On Tuesday we had PE with Mr Treble and played some great games including stuck in the mud, the bunny hoop game and traffic lights. 
In the afternoon and on Wednesday we did some vegetable printing. We talked about the different types of vegetables and how they grow e.g. under the ground, on a tree etc. 
On Thursday and Friday we did some threading using a needle and wool and threading paper pears and apples. We used a pincer grip to hold the needle and how to go in and out to thread them on to the wool. 
On Friday afternoon we went to the farm. We were all amazing and had so much fun. We were great at walking all the way to the farm and it was so fun to jump in lots of puddles. We met Farmer Hazel who showed us around the farm. We saw horses, pigs, Cows, Chickens, sheep, combine harvester, tractors and lots more. We enjoyed eating our snack in the farms barn classroom. 
Throughout the week we have enjoyed sorting the plastic fruits into colours and counting them. We have been busy filling the peg boards with pegs using a pincer grip. We have enjoyed playing alongside our friends with the small world allotment. We have enjoyed feeling and mark making in the oats. We have been busy playing with the farm and tractors on the floor. At the play dough we have been making tracks using the tractors and creating fields of animals. 

Here are some pictures of our week....

This week we will be continuing with Farm,Food and Faith fortnight and have lots of adventures and exploring to do. We are going to continue with our cooking, making wooden spoon scarecrows, making shakers using corn kernels and lots more. 

Home learning

-At home have a look at all the different foods you have and talk about where they come from. Take a picture of your favourite foods and bring in to pre-school. 

-Can you cook with your favourite foods to make a yummy meal. Take a photo and bring it in. 

-Share a farming story or song at home with your family. 


Please continue to use the exit gate to drop off and pick up as the work on the pre-school playground continues. 

On Monday it is dress like a farmer day. Children welcome to come into pre-school dressed like a farmer.

The parent information session last Monday can be viewed using the following link-
If you have any question please do come and ask. 

On Wednesday evening @ 7.00pm in the school hall is POWSA AGM. Please do come along. If you have questions please do come and ask. 

On Friday at 8.30am- 9.00am we have got stay and play on. Everyone is very welcome including younger and older siblings. Hope to see lots of you there. 

On Friday it is POW Harvest, MULTI-FAITH AND NO FAITH HARVEST CELEBRATION EYFS ASSEMBLY is at 11.00-11.45. The children in on Friday will be singing two songs. Children can bring in the below donation during the week. 
Damers Open Days are on Wednesday 13th October at 10.00am and Thursday 4th November at 1.30pm. Please contact the Damers office to book your place. 

Prince of Wales School Open morning for September 2022 Applicants. Poster below for details.

Applying for Reception Place to start in September 2022

You can apply for a reception place from 1 September 2021.

The closing date for applications is 15 January 2022.

Please bring any WOW's for our WOW board you have and if you need some WOW slips, please pick some up from the notice board outside.

Please do come and see myself or a member of team if you have any questions.

Here's to an exciting 2nd week of food, farming and faith fortnight. 

Julia, Karen, Helen, Colleen, Sharon, Chloe, Zoe

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