Sunday 26 September 2021

Hello everyone...


Hello everyone,

We hope you are all having a wonderful weekend. Last week we really enjoyed listening to the stories of Shark in the park on a windy day and Shark in the dark. These book are also written by Nick Sharratt. The children have been amazing at remembering who the author of these book are. Throughout the week the children have been accessing the collection of Shark in the park and  independently retelling the story to themselves or others using the pictures. 

On Monday after reading the story of Shark in the park on a windy day we explored and experimented outside with planks, tubes and the slope which objects roll and which ones don't. we used cars, trucks, tyres, hoops, and objects that don't roll. We talked about why they roll or don't roll.  

On Tuesday morning a group had PE with Mr Treble and we played some new games. We played stuck in the mud and a bunny game. We had to move around the hall and when Mr Treble clapped his hands we had to jump into a hoop. Each time Mr Treble took a hoop away and we shared hoops with our friends. We also played sleepy pirates and the traffic light game. In the afternoon we went to the park across the road from school. We did lots of swinging, climbing, balancing and jumping. We went on all the different pieces of play equipment. We loved the swings and zip wire. We enjoyed eating our snack at the park. 

On Wednesday and Thursday we listened to the story of Shark in the dark and afterwards in small groups we went in the classroom and shut the curtains and explored with the torches. We made shadows and shark puppets. We used lots of vocabulary to talk about what was happening. It was so much fun we ask to do it lots of times. On Wednesday morning a small group of children went to Dorchester market to sell the vegetables and fruit we grew in the garden. They were amazing at serving the customers and did some great counting. 

On Thursday afternoon we made pizzas for snack. We were great at grating the cheese for the top. 

On Thursday morning we made a shark out of cardboard and painted it. When it was dry we climbed inside it to be a shark and also played a games of throwing beanbags through the sharks mouth. We also made up a game that there was a shark in the garden and it ate Julia. We did some great imaginative play. 

On Friday we did a science experiment to find out why sharks float. We found out if sharks stopped swimming they would sink. Also that sharks have an oily liver which keeps them a float. We used a bottle to represent the shark with water and oil in and a toy shark. We predicted what might happened to the shark and bottle. We found out the toy shark sank and the bottle of oily water floated. We spent time extending our play by finding out which other objects floated and sank. 

Throughout the week we have enjoyed mark making on the foil with the whiteboards pens. We have enjoyed using the hammers, graters and pestle mortar with the chalk. We have painted lots of pictures and have told an adult about our pictures. In the water tray we have spent time exploring pouring into different containers, using the syringes, sieves and other tools. We have been creating shapes on the geoboards with elastic bands. We have been creating roads, ramps for the wooden cars using the wooden blocks. We have created models with the transparent shapes. 

Here are some pictures from our week

For the next fortnight it is Food and Faith Fortnight and  we have got lots of exploring and adventures planned. We will be doing some cooking, visiting the school orchard, visiting our local farm, vegetable printing and lots more. 

Home learning

-At home have a look at all the different foods you have and talk about where they come from. Take a picture of your favourite foods and bring in to pre-school. 

-Can you cook with your favourite foods to make a yummy meal. Take a photo and bring it in. 

-Share a farming story or song at home with your family. 


This week it is Bike to school week. Children very welcome to come on their bikes or scooters to school. 

On Monday we have got our Parent information session in the pre-school hall at 7.30pm. We look forward to seeing you there. If you are unable to make it there will be the slideshow available online.

On Thursday at 8.30am- 9.00am we have got stay and play on. Everyone is very welcome including younger and older siblings. Hope to see lots of you there. 

Damers Open Days are on Wednesday 13th October at 10.00am and Thursday 4th November at 1.30pm. Please contact the Damers office to book your place. 

Prince of Wales School Open morning for September 2022 Applicants. Poster below for details.

Applying for Reception Place to start in September 2022

You can apply for a reception place from 1 September 2021.

The closing date for applications is 15 January 2022.

Please bring any WOW's for our WOW board you have and if you need some WOW slips, please pick some up from the notice board outside.

Please do come and see myself or a member of team if you have any questions.

Here's to an exciting food, farming and faith fortnight. 

Julia, Karen, Helen, Colleen, Sharon, Chloe, Zoe

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