Sunday 31 October 2021

Hello everyone.....

Hello everyone,

We hope you have all had a wonderful half term and we are all really looking forward to seeing the children this week for a exploring, fun and exciting half term.

This week we are going to be sharing some pumpkin stories in particular Pumpkin Soup. We are going to be collecting our pumpkins from the garden in the wheelbarrows. We will be using hammers to bang golf tees into them. We are also going to be making pumpkin soup in the kitchen. We will be practicing our cutting, stirring  skills. We will also be exploring the insides of the pumpkins. Talking about what we can see and what it feels like.  We will be doing a variety of pumpkin activities throughout the week. 

Home learning

- Can you have a go at putting on your own shoes?
-How about going on a puddle jumping walk? How high can you jump? Can you find the biggest and smallest puddle?
Can you share a story under torch light?

Please do share photos and WOW of your home learning. 


Please use the normal entrance and exit route from Tuesday as the playground surface is now complete. 

On Tuesday and Thursday evenings we have our postponed parents evening. Same days and times as you booked before. If these are no longer convenient please do come and ask for a date, time and day which is good for you. 

The parent information session can be viewed using the following link-
If you have any question please do come and ask. 

Damers Open Days is on  Thursday 4th November at 1.30pm. Please contact the Damers office to book your place. 

Applying for Reception Place to start in September 2022

You can apply for a reception place from 1 September 2021.

The closing date for applications is 15 January 2022.

Please bring any WOW's for our WOW board you have and if you need some WOW slips, please pick some up from the notice board outside.

Please do come and see myself or a member of team if you have any questions.

Here's to a fab 1st week back. 

Julia, Karen, Helen, Colleen, Sharon, Chloe, Zoe, Lauren


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