Sunday 16 July 2017

Our last week at Pre-school

Image result for toys

Hello everyone,

Wow, This school year has flown by and what a fantastic year we have had. We have learnt lots of new things through playing, exploring and experimenting. As it is our last week we will be asking the children each day what their favourite toys and activities are at pre-school and putting them out during the week. We will be having lots of picnics outside this week as long as the weather is fine.

Our last stay and play will be on Wednesday 19th July 2017 starting from 8.30am till 9.00. Be lovely to see you all.

On Friday there are no hot lunches, so don't forget a packed lunch if you normally have a hot on a Friday.

On Friday afternoon after school at 3.30pm there is a family picnic in the park opposite the Main school.

Every child's learning journey will be going with them to their first school to support transition. The reception teacher will held their learning journeys back to you after a few weeks.

Myself and the Pre-school staff would like to wish you all a happy summer holiday and good luck to all the children starting school in September. Thank you to all our parents and carers for the support you have shown us this year.

Thank you

Julia and Pre-school team

Sunday 2 July 2017

Health and Safety week

Image result for health week for kids

Hello everyone,

I hope you had a lovely sunny weekend. 

Last week we had our den week. The weather was rather wet so we didn't make tents and dens outside. Instead we made dens in soft play. We listened to the story of Kipper's Monster and also acted out the story in the hall. Isla bought in a tent she had made out of paper. The children really liked Isla idea so we made our own tents out of paper and put them on the wall. On Friday afternoon we went outside and played bat and ball which the children choose to do.  
We also listened to the story of Alfie and Annie rose camping trip. 
We have been doing lots of singing this week and sang a new song called 'what shall we do with the letter.. Can you think of words beginning with.. The children have enjoyed learning this and thinking of words beginning with that particular letter. We have also been playing the game of what comes next after number.. The children have become really good at this. 

This week we are going the school with their Health and Safety topic. During this week we will be playing lots of different games e.g. football, hockey, running etc and observing the effects of activity on our bodies. We are also having our sponsored bike/scooter rides this week. We will be talking about safety at the seaside, crossing the road etc. We will be going to watch Sports Day at the main school on Monday morning. 
We are going to be making some cakes and decorating them for our BBQ on Tuesday afternoon after school. 


On Tuesday afternoon after school there is the joint BBQ for Reception and Pre-school. If you have not returned your slip, please bring these in as soon as possible. 

If your child is starting Reception in September, please remember the parents meeting at school on Tuesday afternoon. 

This week it is our sponsored bike/scooter ride, every child received at letter last week naming the day their child will be doing this. If you are unsure please come and see me and I'll have a look at the list. 

The class photograph preview is in your child's pigeon hole. Orders for photographs need to be returned by Friday 7th July to enable us to get them back before the end of term. 

If your child is attending Reception in September and you require After school club, please fill the booking form in and return to the school office. Booking forms were in your school pack. We do have some spare if needed. 

Please make sure children are sun creamed and have a sun hat. We will be reapplying suncream at lunch time for children staying all day. We will be encouraging the children to have regularly drinks of water throughout the day. 

If you would like to catch up about your child's progress before the end of term please come and see me to arrange a time. 

In Pre-school corridor is the signing up sheet for Mr Gibson, if you would like to discuss your child before they start reception. 

Have a great week

Julia and Pre-school team