Sunday 19 March 2023

Hello everyone....

 Hello everyone,

We hope you have had a lovely weekend and it was so lovely to see the sunshine. We hope you all had a great Mothering Sunday. 

Throughout the week at group time we have been sharing lots of stories about frogs and stories about mums. We now have some frog spawn in our classroom which will have been looking at regularly. They are beginning to change into tadpoles. Throughout the week we have been busy painting our clay pots and wrapping them up to bring home for our mum's. We have also made our tulip cards and wrote our names inside our cards. We hope you all liked your surprise today. On Monday we decorated our biscuits we had made to take to the care home on Wednesday. On Tuesday afternoon we did a science experiment we cut open a variety of fruit and vegetables to explore if they had seeds, stones. We talked about what we observed. We then made mini omelettes for snack using the vegetables. On Wednesday  we had PE with Mr Treble and we used the climbing apparatus. Our confidence is growing with climbing. We were unable to visit the care home this week due to them having Covid. On Thursday we used the seeds from our vegetables and fruit and planted them onto kitchen roll to watch what happens. The children talked about what a seed needs to be able to grow. On Friday it was Red nose Day and it was great to see everyone dressed in red or as a superhero. We talked about how Red Nose Day raised money to support children around the world. We drew our own red nose day faces and also made red nose day biscuits. In the afternoon we went to Wolfeton Manor Care home. We met the residents and had great fun going on a picture clues hunt and acting out the story of We're going on a bear hunt. We had a lovely fruity snack with the residents and did some great singing. We have enjoyed constructing with the octagons, toolo and zoo waffle. In the number area we have been exploring the different length worms and using the rulers to learn how to measure the worms. Also we have been putting the worms in length order and using size language. We have been working out the rhyming pairs with the wooden pictures. We have also enjoyed using the playdough and using a variety of tools and lollipops. We have created a variety of pieces of art. On our finger frenzy table this week we have been threading with the pipe cleaners through the colanders. On the small world table we have been playing with the allotment small world scene. In the water tray area we have been playing with the frogs in the water. We have been confidently signing 5 green and speckled frogs and making up our own stories. 

In our Read write Inc groups with have been learning the following sounds:

Julia's, Colleen and Lauren's group- m,a,s,d
Sharon's- Picture names and rhyming

Here are some Read write inc videos to support the letter sounds above:

Some pictures from this week…..

For the next two weeks we will continue to explore Spring and Easter through a variety of activities. 

Home learning

Can you tell a family member some words which rhyme?

Can you go on a spring scavenger hunt?

Can you help to make your lunch box and talk about where the foods come from? 

Can you play a Fred Talk game at home?

Fingers Fred says a number and asks the children to show him that number of fingers. 1. Say ‘Fred wants you to show him th-r-ee’. 2. Ask children to say ‘th-r-ee’. Pause to see if they can blend and hold up three fingers. 3. Say ‘th-r-ee, three’. Ask children to repeat.


Here is the link to the recent January Preschool information session- Information session.

Stay and Play this week is on Thursday 23rd March from 8.30-9.00am. We look forward to seeing you there. Younger and older siblings welcome. 

POWSA Events
Easter Bingo is coming to POW on Friday 24th March 2023.
Doors open at 5.30pm ready for eyes down at 6.00pm.

There are lots of Easter themed prizes to be won, so come along with family and have a go.

We are a NUT FREE SCHOOL, so please can we remind our families that the children have no products containing nuts in their lunchbox.


To order uniform for Pre-school please see link below. We also have some second hand uniform available.

DEP School wear shop



T: 01305 750292


Please do come and see myself or a member of team if you have any questions.

We are all really looking forward to seeing you all and here's to an exciting and great week  full of fun and adventures.

Julia,Colleen, Sharon, Lauren, Ebony, James , Lauren and Magda

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