Sunday 30 October 2022

Hello everyone....


Hello everyone,

We hope you have all had a wonderful half term holiday. We have enjoyed sharing lots of Autumn stories this week.  Throughout the week we have been swimming in small groups and have really enjoyed swimming. We developed our confidence in the water and enjoyed exploring all the water toys. On Monday we used the computers with Purple Mash to colour in the owl babies or autumn leaves. This developed our mouse and computer skills. We choose colours and then coloured in the object using the mouse. In the afternoon we made leaf puppets outside. We found our own leaf and then stuck googly eyes on and painted a face. We attached a lollypop stick to make it into a puppet. We took our learning further by making our own leaf puppets with felt tips. We also made our own pizzas for snack. On Tuesday and Wednesday morning we played the owl number game which supported our learning of recognising numerals 1-6, counting the dots on a dice and taking turns to play a game. On Tuesday afternoon we made apple boats in the water tray. We explored cutting apples in half and quarters and making a sail using a cocktail stick and sticky label. We explored floating and sinking with our apples. On Wednesday a group of children had PE with Mr Treble and practiced the skills of moving in a variety of ways and negotiating a space. Towards the end of the week we have been busy creating our Christmas cards which will be sent of to the printers and you will be able to orders these in the next couple of weeks. This is a POWSA fundraiser. 

Throughout the week we have been busy constructing marble runs with our friends and working as a team. We have been learning to adapt our marble runs to make them bigger, Our finger frenzy this week has been using the screwdrivers to screw screws into the wood blocks. We have been mark making on the aqua boards using the aqua pens. We liked changing the colour of the board from white to blue. On the number table this week we have had real leaves with numerals on and have been putting the correct number of wooden pegs on the numbered leaves. In the water tray we have been busy making autumn potions using a variety of kitchen tools like scoops, bowls, pans, mixers etc.  

Here are some photos of the week....

This week we are going to be exploring pumpkins and have lots of activities to support our learning including pumpkin science experiment, making pumpkin soup and lots more. On Thursday we have our trip to the woods. On Friday we will be having our bonfire snack up at the forest school area. 

Home learning:

Can you bring in some photos of your adventures at half term to share at group time?
Can you play a game which involves taking turns?
Can you go a number hunt and name the different numerals you find? 


On Wednesday evening POWSA have their monthly meeting in the main school hall from 7.30pm. Everyone welcome. If you would like more information come and speak to Julia.

On Thursday we have our trip to the woods. Please can  children come with suitable clothes for the weather and wear their wellington boots to pre-school in the morning. Please return permission slips for the trip.  

Here is a link to watch the parent information evening recording:- Information session

Stay and play morning sessions are now posted next to our door on the window. It would be great to see you. These run once a week on a different morning each week from 8.30am-9.00am. We also have one every half term on a Saturday. This week stay and play is on Friday morning at 8.30-9.00am.

We are a NUT FREE SCHOOL, so please can we remind our families that the children have no products containing nuts in their lunchbox.

Applying for Reception Place to start in September 2023

You can apply for a reception place from 1 September 20222.

The closing date for applications is 15 January 2023.


To order uniform for Pre-school please see link below. We also have some second hand uniform available.

DEP School wear shop



T: 01305 750292


Please bring any WOW's for our WOW board you have. 

Please do come and see myself or a member of team if you have any questions.

We are all really looking forward to seeing you all and here's to an exciting and amazing week  full of fun and adventures. 

Julia,Colleen, Sharon, Lauren and Ebony

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