Sunday 6 March 2022

Hello everyone

 Hi Everyone,

We hope you have all had a great weekend.

On Tuesday we celebrated Pancake Day. We really enjoyed eating pancakes for snack with our favourite toppings. For group time we found out how to make pancakes and the ingredients you need. We also listened to story of Mr Wolf's Pancakes. A group of children had PE with Mr Treble and we used the climbing apparatus and had a challenge of balancing along a beam. We were amazing at balancing. At the end we played the Lava game and had to get off the ground onto the apparatus. We also were fantastic at putting our own shoes and socks on. In the afternoon we had some pancake races and we learnt all about coming 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc. We also went to soft play in small groups. 

On Thursday we celebrated World Book Day and we all dressed up as our favourite character and visited Dorchester Library. We went on the coach and when we go to the library Mary gave us a tour of the library. We also listened to a couple of stories, sang some songs and chose a book to bring back to preschool. In the afternoon we played party games including the floor is lava and pass the parcel. We had yummy jelly and icecream for snack.

On Friday morning we visited the planetarium in the school hall. We loved seeing all the stars, sun, moon and planets. A group of children went swimming and had a great time playing in the waves which Julia made. In the afternoon we enjoyed playing outside in the lovely weather. 

Throughout the week we have really enjoyed constructing with the Duplo, magnetic lego and Geomag. Also we have been very busy making our own playdough pancakes and cakes. We have been flipping them in the air and following the method of how to make them.  We have loved playing in our new space role play area and dressing up as astronauts. We have created different shapes on the geoboards with elastic bands. 

We have revisited the Read Write Inc Picture cards and have introduced fred frog. Fred Frog can only talk sounds and not words. We have played all sorts of games. Please find below a game below in home learning.

Here are some pictures of the week.....

 This week we are going to be exploring Space with a variety of exciting stories, songs and activities. On Tuesday morning we have our trip to see the Mars Exhibition.

Home Learning:-

Fred says…


  1. Say: Fred says put your hands on your h-e-d. Ask children to repeat. Pause to allow children to jump in with the whole word and do the action.

  2. Say: h-e-d, hed. Ask children to repeat.


Repeat with: b-a-k, t-u-m, l-e-g, h-a-n-d, f-u-t, n-ee, r-u-n, s-k-i-p, h-o-p, s-t-o-p

-Can you bring in a book about Space?


For children that attend preschool on a Friday and due to us being closed on 18th February, credits will be added to your invoice for the Summer term 1st Half as Spring 2nd half invoices have now been done. 

On Monday afternoon the children who haven't visited the library yet will be going to the library. Please see earlier letter for more details. 

On Tuesday we have our trip to the Mars Exhibition. Please drop children off at the Corn exchange for 8.45am. We will be returning back to pre-school by coach. If you have any questions please do come and ask. 

Our next stay and play sesssion will be Friday 18th March. Everyone is very welcome including younger and older siblings. Hope to see lots of you there. 

Please find information below about a useful advice line for parents and carers of 0-5years.

ParentLine is a new confidential text messaging service for parents and carers of 0-5 year olds in Dorset to seek advice via text message from our Health Visiting team about their child’s health. 

Parents and carers can seek advice about a range of issues such as breastfeeding, bottle feeding, weaning, sleep, toileting, minor illness, behaviour, parenting and more.

ParentLine will run 9am - 5pm, Monday to Friday (excluding weekends and bank holidays) with a ParentLine Practitioner responding to messages within one working day. If a text is sent outside these hours the parent/carer will receive an automated message with advice on where to get help if they require it urgently. This new messaging service is being provided in addition to the current Health Visiting service offer.
Text 07312 277162 for confidential advice and support from a member of the Health Visiting team
ParentLine is not an emergency service, for urgent medical attention contact your GP, 111 or 999.

Please do come and see myself or a member of team if you have any questions.
Here's to an amazing first  week back.

Julia, Sharon, Colleen, Karen, Lauren, Zoe, Chloe


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