Sunday 10 January 2021

Hello everyone...

Hello everyone,

We hope you have all had a good weekend.  We would like to thank you all for your support, as always during this challenging time. We have enjoyed seeing all your amazing home learning you have been sending in. It looks like you have all been having lots of fun adventures. Keep sending all the wonderful things you are up to by emailing them to and 

This week we will be continuing the story of The gingerbread man and we have got lots of activities planned during the week including making a bridge outside with large construction, gingerbread men threading, making a puppet of the gingerbread man, acting out the story, making a display of the story of gingerbread man using different materials and textures, gingerbread stamping, making a raft/boat for the gingerbread man to cross the river, gingerbread number game on the computer.

Things you might like to do at home this week....

Everyday Mr Spracklen has Good morning POW at 9.30, 11.20 virtual assembly and 4.00pm Evening POW. This can be accessed on Facebook and you tube and is a great way of seeing what everyone is up to. It's really interactive and guarantee to make you smile. 

The Banana Challenge- Each person in the family has a banana. The challenge is to see who can cut the banana into the most pieces! Can you count how many pieces? Who has the more or less pieces? How many altogether? Ready Steady Go!

Fruit Hoops Bird Feeder

The weather is really cold at the moment and the birds need lots of food during the winter, can you make one of these and hang it outside?
An ingredients page, showing some gardening wire, string, an apple, cheese cubes and raisins for the bird kebab make.

Step 1

Ask a grown-up to cut cubes of apple and cheese.

Step 2

Be very careful and ask a grown-up to help you thread fruit and cheese onto the wire like a necklace.

Step 3

Make a hoop with the wire and tie it to some string. Ready!



Washing up liquid, water, bowl, plastic bottle, sock, scissors


Cut bottom off  bottle and place sock over.

Put washing up lid and water into a bowl.

Pop the cock end into the solution and the take out and blow through the lid end.

The more you blow, the longer your snake


Last week we sent out a letter explaining that you would be able to come and collect your home learning packs. As we are open we will be giving the children who are attending the home learning packs when they are in at Preschool towards the end of the week. If your child is not attending pre-school we will deliver the home learning packs to you at home.

If you are not attending pre-school you will not be charged for your sessions. If you are attending sessions Caroline will send out an invoice for these sessions soon.

Local Food Links is continuing with hot lunches, If your child normally has a hot lunch and is going to be attending Pre-school these can now be ordered as normal. We have ordered enough hot lunches for this week for all children who would normally have a hot lunch.

We love seeing all the lovely home learning you are all doing so please do email it in to and

Please always remember you can  call or email  us anytime if you have a question or need anything.

My email is: 

Stay safe and we will look forward to speaking or seeing you soon.

Julia, Sharon, Helen, Karen and Colleen

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