Sunday 24 January 2021

Hello everyone....

Hi everyone,

We hope you have all had a good weekend and enjoyed getting out in the fresh air. It's a shame we missed out on the snow.

We have enjoyed seeing all your wonderful home learning you have been sending in. It looks like you have all been having a great time and learning lots. Keep sending all the amazing things you are up to by emailing them to and 

Last week at pre-school we shared the story of The three little pigs which we really enjoyed and were great at joining in wit the repeated refrains. We had great fun collecting straw, sticks and bricks and making these into houses and seeing which ones the hair dryer blow down. We also then took our building materials outside in the wind. On Wednesday morning we had a live zoom call with Maiden Castle Farm and met some pigs. We learnt all about pigs. We have also enjoyed making some pig masks using different materials and shades of pink. We really enjoyed using shaving foam as pretend cement and using wood bricks and lego bricks to make a wall using the different tools to spread the cement on the bricks. Also the children have really enjoyed the 3 little pigs small world scene and acting out the story and also making up their own version. The children have  become fantastic builders of marble runs and have created some large runs. This has been a particular favourite. We have also done some lego brick printing, exploring different shades of pink and watching the number blocks story of the 3 little pigs. 
On Tuesday we had PE with Mr Treble and used the climbing frames and benches to move along in different ways, balance and jumping off and landing on two feet. 

This week we will be continuing with the story of The three little pigs. We are going to be doing some junk modelling, making our 3 little pigs and house display, exploring making a house with sugar cubes and predicting what happens when you put hot water on the sugar cubes and lots more.

Things you might like to do at home this week...

Everyday Mr Spracklen has Good morning POW at 9.30, 11.20 virtual assembly and 4.00pm Evening POW. This can be accessed on Facebook and you tube and is a great way of seeing what everyone is up to. It's really interactive and guarantee to make you smile.

In the home learning packs that have been coming home, we have included the Read Write Inc cards. At the moment we are just learning the picture names through a variety of games like hide and seek, fishing the picture etc.

Make your own Skittles

How many can you knock over in one go?
Which numbers did you knock over?

9. Magic dancing milk

For this activity – an engaging introduction to chemical reactions – you’ll need a shallow dish, full-fat milk, food colouring, cotton buds and washing up liquid. Pour some milk into the dish, add some drops of food colouring, then dab with a cotton bud dipped in washing up liquid. Use a few different colours at the same time for maximum impact, and try dabbing in different places.

PE with Mr Treble and a ballon:-

How many wheetos can you put on the (kebab) stick before the timer runs out ... throw the dice as quick as you can!

On Wednesday, Thursday, Friday your next home learning pack will be delivered or will come home with your child. It will be based on the story of The Three Little Pigs. 
On Wednesday there will be another blog with some interactive links to enjoy and explore. 


We love seeing all the lovely home learning you are all doing so please do email it in to and

Please always remember you can  call or email  us anytime if you have a question or need anything.

My email is: 

If you are not attending pre-school you will not be charged for your sessions. If you are attending sessions Caroline will send out an invoice for these sessions soon.

Stay safe, keep smiling and we will look forward to speaking or seeing you soon.

Julia, Helen, Sharon, Colleen and Karen

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