Sunday 3 January 2021

Happy New Year and Welcome back to the Spring term


Hello everyone,

We would all like to wish you a Happy New Year and we hope you had a wonderful Christmas. Thank you for the lovely gift of vouchers for the team to to enjoy a meal together at YC'S. We are all really looking forward to doing this when we can. Also thank you for all the lovely presents  which we have all enjoyed sharing with our families.

This week we will be sharing the story of The gingerbread man and have got lots of great activities planned including cooking our own gingerbread men, using large construction outside to help the gingerbread man cross the river, some science experiments to enable us to make predictions of what might happen, gingerbread men puppets, acting out the story. We will be learning the 5 little gingerbread men song, here is the link to the song-
At group time we will also be talking about our adventures at Christmas, children are really welcomed to bring in photos to share. 

Letters and Sounds

Last term we introduced Maisie next to the Mountain, Apple, Snake, Tower, Dinosaur, Insect from the read write inc cards. We will also continue with Fred talk with Fred the frog. This week we will continue with our rhyming games. introduce net, pirate and girls from the read write inc cards. 

Home Learning

When you bring home your gingerbread men, can you decorate them and bring a photo in of your yummy decorated gingerbread men?


Please bring any WOW's for our WOW board you have. If you would like some WOW slips, these can be found on the outside notice board in a wallet.

Please always remember you can  call or email  us anytime if you have a question or need anything.

My email is:

Over the next couple of weeks we will send the Magical moments books home so you can contribute your Christmas adventures.

On Tuesday 5th January @7.30pm in the main school staff room is a POWSA meeting. If you would like more information please speak to a member of staff.

Primary school applications:- You can now apply for your child's place for Primary schools. The closing date for application is the 15th January 2021. Here is the link:-

Here's to amazing  first week back.

Julia, Karen, Colleen, Helen and Sharon

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