Hello everyone,
We hope you have all had a fabolous weekend with family and friends.
Last week we enjoyed listening to a variety of farm stories along with autumn stories. We also continued to talk about diffrent fruit and vegtables and where they grow e.g. on a tree, under the ground, on a plant.
On Monday morning in small groups we went to the main school hall to do the whole school Harvest art project. We use a variety of vegetables to make prints onto the fabric. Also another group of children visited the school orchard to collect apples to make apple muffins to bring home. We hope you enjoyed tasting them. On Monday group of children went to PE and explored our ball skills through rolling to each other, throwing and catching. In the afternoon we went to the school assembly to find out all about Cows and milk from Craigs Farm. We also got to meet a calf.
On Tuesday morning we continued with making our apple muffins and visiting the orchard. In the afternoon we did an egg experiment. We used uncooked eggs and hard boiled eggs. We talked about the diffrent parts of an egg. We talked about what a science experiment is and a prediction. We explored what happened when you drop a egg wrapped in diffrent materials.
On Wednesday morning a group of children went to the care home for a sing song, story and to eat cake. Another group of children went to PE and explored our ball skills through rolling to each other, throwing and catching. In the afternoon we had Jack come and visit us and took about respect. We did some colouring whilst he played his guitar to us. We also went to Reception for a story with Miss Gooden.
On Thursday some children cooked their apple muffins. Another group of children played a game with sharon which involved them using their memeory and taking turns. Also we visited the school allotements to see what was grwoing. We were great at telling an adult what vegetables we could see.
On Friday morning we went to Harvest assembly and sand Old McDonald had a farm and Dingle Dangle scarecrow to everyone. We were amazing at assemby.
Throughout the week we have enjoyed the finger frenzy table with wooden fruit threading. This developed our eye and hand co-ordination along with our pincer grip. We have enjoyed exploring the plastic fruit and sorting them into colours and groups in the number area. We have been very creative building marble runs and testing them out. We then went on to adapt them to make them bigger. We have be constructing with zoo waffle, duplo monsters and mini octagons . On the small world table we have been playing with the allotment scene and sharing our knowledge of growing vegetables. In the playdough we have been playing with the plastic animals, cupcake cases, lollypop sticks, gems, cupcake tins and making cakes. We have also enjoyed playing with the large small world wooden farm.
We continue to be Respectful Raya which is one of our Building learning Powers. Here is some information about Respectful Raya:-
You can apply for a reception place from 1 September 2024.
The closing date for applications is 15 January 2025.
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