Sunday 14 July 2024

Hello everyone....

 Hello everyone.....

 We hope you have all had a wonderful weekend in the sunshine. We can't believe that we are on the last week of term. It has been one awesome year full of lots of learning and adventures. We are going to have a great last week of even more adventures.  

On Monday morning we made banana cake ready for our kickboxing graduation. We also went swimming. 

On Tuesday we had kickboxing graduation and it was lovely to see you all there. In the afternoon we learnt how to play cricket. We also went swimming in the pool. 

On Wednesday morning a group of children went to the care home for a sing song, story and ate some yummy cakes. The other group of children went swimming. 

On Thursday morning we went to Sharon house to watch the trains in her garden. We really enjoyed it and even got to in the controllers shed. We had a wonderful time. We also played some more games of cricket. In the afternoon a group of children who are attending POW in September went over to spend the afternoon in Reception. They had a great time exploring the classroom and having a play and a BBQ. 

On Friday we made crowns ready for the street party lunch at school. In the afternoon our friends came from the care home for a play, story and singsong.Throughout the week we have been having lots of fun playing and exploring outside in the beautiful sunshine. 

In our Read write Inc groups with have been learning the following sounds: m,a,s,d,t,i,n,p,g,o,c,k,u,b,f,e,l,h, r

Here are some Read write inc videos to support the letter sounds above:

Some photos from the week......


We break up for the summer holidays on Friday 19th July,

On Wednesday we are visiting a local park so please can children come with a disposable lunch and drink along with appropriate shoes to walk in.

On Thursday we have got our party day. Please can children come to pre-school in their clothes ready for the water fight which is optional. They will need a whole set of spare clothes, shoes and towel for afterwards. No lunch boxes are required as we are having fish fingers or vegan fish fingers and chips for lunch. We will also be having the ice cream van visit in the afternoon. All children in Pre-school Year 2 invitied for the whole day- 9-3.30pm

On Friday we are having our leavers assembly on the school field at 9.15-9.45. All parents, carers, grandparents and family members invitied. Please can pre-school children be dropped off prompt for 8.55-9.00am and then please head up to the main school field. Every child in Year 2 preschool is invited to the leavers assembly. 

As the sunny weather is appearing please could all children come to school with suncream on. Also we will reapply suncream after lunch if needed.

We are a NUT FREE SCHOOL, so please can we remind our families that the children have no products containing nuts in their lunchbox.


To order uniform for Pre-school please see link below. We also have some second hand uniform available.

DEP School wear shop



T: 01305 750292


POWSA Events:-

This coming Friday...

Please do come and see myself or a member of team if you have any questions.

 Here's to an exciting and great week  full of fun and adventures. We wish you all a very happy sunny summer holidays.

Julia, Colleen, Sharon and Lauren 

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