Sunday 23 June 2024

Hello everyone.....

 Hello everyone.....

This week we have been learning all about the seaside. We hope you have all had a wonderful weekend in the sunshine. 

On Monday morning we went to Weymouth beach and had an amazing adventure. We played on the beach with buckets, spades and diggers. We threw stones into the sea. We collected shells and pretty pebbles. We climbed on the rocks and played in the stream with the boats. We had a wonderful time. In the afternoon we enjoyed playing in pre-school garden. 

On Tuesday we had kickboxing and we went on a adventure. We learnt a new move. We also decorated some cakes to take to the care home on Wednesday. 

On Wednesday morning a group of children went to the care home for a sing song, story and ate some yummy cakes.  

On Thursday morning we made jelly fish which are on display in the classroom. In the afternoon a group of children who are attending POW in September went over to spend the afternoon in Reception. They had a great time exploring the classroom and having a play. 

On Friday we made bread and butter pudding to try for snack.

We have been really enjoying playing outside in the beautiful sunshine. Throughout the week we have enjoyed constructing with the popoids, octagons and duplo animals.  In the number area we have been exploring making patterns and repeated patterns with the different sized and coloured teddies. We have been using the the whiteboards and pens to draw pictures and play noughts and crosses.  In the small world area we have been playing with the princess castle, princesses and ponies. On our finger frenzy table this week we have been playing with the frog tiddly winks. We are now really good at this. We have been making cakes using playdough, gems, candles, numbers. We have had the ice cream shop in room 2. 

In our Read write Inc groups with have been learning the following sounds: m,a,s,d,t,i,n,p,g,o,c,k,u,b,f,e,l

Here are some Read write inc videos to support the letter sounds above:

For the next  week we will be exploring the seaside with a variety activities planned.

Home Learning

Can you play a Fred Talk game at home?

-Can you retell the sounds we have learnt at pre-school- m,a,s,t,d,n,i,p,g,o,c,k,u,b,f,e,l,h

-Can you bring into school your favourite seaside story or information book?

-Can you create a  sea creature or a boat using a variety of media?


On Friday we have Stay and play from 8.30-9.00am. Everyone welcome. 

As the sunny weather is appearing please could all children come to school with suncream on. Also we will reapply suncream after lunch if needed.

We are a NUT FREE SCHOOL, so please can we remind our families that the children have no products containing nuts in their lunchbox.


To order uniform for Pre-school please see link below. We also have some second hand uniform available.

DEP School wear shop



T: 01305 750292


POWSA Events:-

This week on Wednesday evening POWSA are meeting in the main school staff room at 7.30pm. Everyone welcome. Please do come along and if you have any questions please come and speak to Julia.

Friday Choc Ices and Ice Lollies....

Please do come and see myself or a member of team if you have any questions.

 Here's to an exciting and great week  full of fun and adventures.

Julia, Colleen, Sharon and Lauren 

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