Sunday 25 February 2024

Hello everyone....

Hello everyone.....

This week we have enjoyed sharing the story of the teeny weeny tadpole along with some other frog stories. We have learnt all about the life cycle of a frog. We have our own frog spawn and tadpoles in a tank to watch and observe the changes. 

On Monday morning we also had PE and used the Climbing Apparatus in the school Hall. Another group of children made gingerbread biscuits to take to the care home on  Wednesday. We also created our own frog spawn by doing some bubble wrap printing. In the afternoon a group of children went to Reception for a play project. The play project was to create a jungle animal and a habitat for the animal using a variety of media. The other group of children visited the school pond to have a look at the animals which live in the pond. On Tuesday morning we had our first Kickboxing session which we all really enjoyed. We also created 5 frogs using a variety of media and techniques including painting, collaging. In the afternoon we had great fun playing on the playtrail. On Wednesday morning a group of children visited the local care home for a singsong, story and biscuits. The residents really enjoyed the gingerbread biscuits we took. Due to the weather we went in Julia's van. The other group of children made jelly and talked about the changes when making jelly.  They also did PE in the preschool hall and played a variety of games which involved moving in a variety of ways and negotiating space. In the afternoon we did some bouncy tight painting to make tadpoles. This was great fun. Also we went to soft play and had the jelly we had made for snack. On Thursday morning a group of children made pizza for snack which we all tried. We also acted out an imaginative story in the hall. In the afternoon we had some dog visitors which we really enjoyed. We took them for a walk and enjoyed reading the dogs a story. On Friday we made origami frogs to bring home. We also cleaned out our pet hamster Snickers. We also went to Reception for a play. In the afternoon we enjoyed playing outside. Throughout the week we have enjoyed constructing with the popoids, straws and duplo bugs.  In the number area we have been finding the diffrent length worms in the soil and measuring them using a ruler. We have used the language of shortest, longest.  We have enjoyed marking making  on the aqua board with paint brushes. We have also enjoyed using the playdough to cut out flowers and spring animals and decorating them with gems, pipe cleaners and buttons. In the small world area we have been playing with the frog small world scene and singing 5 green and speckled frogs. On our finger frenzy table this week we have been  playing with flipping the frogs. In the water tray we have been using a variety of tools including jugs, whisks, tongs etc with flowers and lemons. 

We have now learnt all the Read Write Inc pictures and we are now focusing on Fred Frog. Fred Frog can only say sounds and no words. We have been playing lots of games with Fred. We have been doing lots of rhyming games and stories. 

During group time this week we talked about Reggie the Resilient tortoise friend Rose the Resourceful Spider. 

How can you help your children establish Resourcefulness at home?

Resourcefulness is all about being an independent and imaginative learner, being ready to learn in
different ways and using all of the resources available to help you. The skills for life long learning
that we are aiming to instil are those of 
Questioning - being curious, going deeper; Making
- looking for ideas and concepts that connect together and are meaningful; Imagining - using your minds eye to help you learn; Reasoning - thinking methodically and Capitalising - making the best of resources available.

You can do this through play and day to day activities at home by:

Encourage questions.
Demonstrate making links between different ideas.
Keep imagination alive and celebrate and value a love of adventure. Help children to find ways of using resources such as reference books, dictionaries, the Internet. 

Some pictures from the week..

For this term we will be continuing to learn all about spring e.g. spring flowers, frogs, growing, Spring weather, Easter, Mothers Day, Lambs etc.

Home Learning

Fred says…

Fred says put your hands on your h-e-d.    ( Ask child to repeat) 

Child says  h-e-d,  h-e-d,  head  and touch their head.

Repeat with:  b-a-k,   t-u-m,   l-e-g,   h-a-n-d,   f-u-t,   n-ee,   h-i-p

Then have a go at Fred says     r-u-n,    h-o-p,  s-k-i-p,   j-u-m-p  and   s-t-o-p 

-Can you sing the song of 5 green speckled frogs?

-Can you make an obstacle course at home?

-Can you go on a shape hunt, how many different shapes can you find and name? 


Stay and play morning sessions are now posted next to our door on the window. It would be great to see you. These run once a week on a different morning each week from 8.30am-9.00am. We also have one every half term on a Saturday. This week stay and play is on Thursday morning at 8.30-9.00am. 

We are a NUT FREE SCHOOL, so please can we remind our families that the children have no products containing nuts in their lunchbox.


To order uniform for Pre-school please see link below. We also have some second hand uniform available.

DEP School wear shop



T: 01305 750292


Please do come and see myself or a member of team if you have any questions.

We are all really looking forward to seeing you all and here's to an exciting and great week  full of fun and adventures.

Julia, Colleen, Sharon and Lauren

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