Sunday 4 February 2024

Hello everyone....

 Hello everyone,

We hope you have all had a fabulous weekend. We have had a great week sharing the story of the three little pigs at group time along with other version of the story including The three little wolves and the big bad pig. 

On Monday morning we used a variety of media to create the 3 little pigs houses in groups. We did great teamwork. We used a variety of media and techniques in creating our pigs. We also had PE with Colleen and Sharon and used the climbing apparatus. We were great at challenging ourselves this week. In the afternoon some of us made puppets to bring home of the three little pigs and the wolf. Another group went to Reception for the afternoon and did a play project. The play project was all about making a skyscraper. The children could do this using a variety of media and techniques including junk modelling, painting, drawing and construction. 

On Tuesday morning we had kickboxing and we went on a monkey adventure. We also stuck our wow's and creative pictures in our magical achievement books. In the afternoon we made houses for the the 3 little pigs using playdough, lollypop sticks, plastic sticks and lego bricks. We also played some ring games in the hall.  

On Wednesday morning a group went to visit at the care home which we all really enjoyed. We had a sing song with the residents and enjoyed the parachute with bubbles.  In the afternoon we made story maps in groups of the story of The three little pigs. We also used the Now Press Play headsets to act out the story of The three little pigs. We enjoyed trying tomato soup for snack and we really enjoyed it.

On Thursday we did a great science experiment with the fan and hairdryer. We built the different type of houses e.g. straw,brick and sticks and explored what happened when you use the fan and hairdryer. We also went and played on the playtrail and did lots of imaginative play.  We tried boiled eggs for snack today.

On Friday morning we went over to Reception for a story and drawing club. We had a great time exploring. In the afternoon we had a lovely play outside. 

We have enjoyed constructing with the Duplo, transparent blocks and wooden blocks. In the number area we have been exploring  making numeral towers with the unifix cubes. We have enjoyed playing the rhyming pairs game. We have also enjoyed exploring  the playdough with lollypop sticks, plastic sticks and lego bricks with toy pigs. We have made houses for the pigs using the different media. In the small world area we have been busy acting out the story using the puppet theatre. The children are amazing with the repeated refrains of the story. We have loved exploring the water tray with a variety of resources including jugs, sieves, bottles etc. On our finger frenzy table this week we have been using the tweezers to remove the pigtails from the mud. We are enjoying playing in the hospital role play area and with the pirates and princesses small world area. 

Throughout the week we have begun to learn the Read Write inc picture names in group time. We have learned Maisie next to the mountain, apple, snake, dinosaur, insect, tower, net, pirate, girl, orange, caterpillar, kangaroo, umbrella, boot, flower, egg, leg and horse. We have also met Fred Frog. Fred Frog can only say sounds and no words.  We have been doing lots of rhyming games and stories. We have been adding to our rhyming door. We have also been introducing Fred Frog talk games.

During group time this week we met Reggie the Resilient tortoise friend Rose the Resourceful Spider. 

How can you help your children establish Resourcefulness at home?

Resourcefulness is all about being an independent and imaginative learner, being ready to learn in
different ways and using all of the resources available to help you. The skills for life long learning
that we are aiming to instil are those of 
Questioning - being curious, going deeper; Making
- looking for ideas and concepts that connect together and are meaningful; Imagining - using your minds eye to help you learn; Reasoning - thinking methodically and Capitalising - making the best of resources available.

You can do this through play and day to day activities at home by:

Encourage questions.
Demonstrate making links between different ideas.
Keep imagination alive and celebrate and value a love of adventure. Help children to find ways of using resources such as reference books, dictionaries, the Internet. 

Read Write Inc Picture Cards we have learnt....

Some pictures of the week....

This week we are going to be swimming, PE, Care home, Kickboxing, Visiting Reception and sharing the story of Mr Wolf's pancakes with some activities supporting the story. 

Home Learning

Can you play I spy using colours e.g. I spy with my little eye something that is red?

Can you play this Fred Frog Talk game?   Fred names an animal and the children make the noise of that animal. 1. Say ‘Fred wants you to make the noise of a h-or-se’. 2. Ask children to say ‘h-or-se’. Pause to see if they can blend and make the noise of a horse. 3. Say ‘h-or-se, horse’. Ask children to repeat.

Can you practiced skipping, hopping and standing on one foot? 


Read Write Inc Sounds video for Parents- Read Write Inc Video for parents link 

Stay and play morning sessions are now posted next to our door on the window. It would be great to see you. These run once a week on a different morning each week from 8.30am-9.00am. We also have one every half term on a Saturday. This week stay and play is on Wednesday morning at 8.30-9.00am. 

It was great to see so many of you at parents evening. If you were unable to make it, please come and see Julia for a convenient day and time to catch up.

We break up for half term this week on Thursday 8th February and return on Monday 19th February. It is a staff training day on Friday 9th February. 

This week we have got swimming please bring in your swimming kit.

On Monday 5th February at 7.30pm is a POWSA Social evening. Everyone welcome to come along for a drink and nibbles. Hope to see you there. Any questions please come and see Julia. 

We are a NUT FREE SCHOOL, so please can we remind our families that the children have no products containing nuts in their lunchbox.


To order uniform for Pre-school please see link below. We also have some second hand uniform available.

DEP School wear shop



T: 01305 750292


Please do come and see myself or a member of team if you have any questions.

We are all really looking forward to seeing you all and here's to an exciting and great week  full of fun and adventures.

Julia, Colleen, Sharon and Lauren

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