Monday 8 May 2023

Hello everyone....

 Hi Everyone,

We hope you have all had a wonderful Coronation Bank Holiday weekend with your friends and family.

Throughout the week we have continued to enjoy sharing the story of The tiger who came to tea.  

On Tuesday we had a special visitors come in to pre-school. Ingrid's grandparent came in to talk about being a beekeeper. We learnt all about bee's, beehives, how bees make honey, the job of a beekeeper and how to collect honey. We had a go at squeezing the honey out of the honeycomb. It was a very sticky job but very tasty. We also made our own peg bee's and used the repeating of yellow and black on the bodies of our bees. In the afternoon we used the honey we collected from the honeycomb to make honey biscuits. We hope you all enjoyed them. 

On Wednesday a group of children visited the care home and had a lovely time singing songs. Another group had PE with Mr Treble outside on the field playing team races.  In the afternoon a group of children went to Castle View Care home to sing songs, share a story and parachute with bubbles. We made candles using the wax. We used the skill of rolling the flat sheets into candles. Another group of children experimented how to make jelly for our Tiger who came to tea party on Thursday. 

On Thursday morning we made cakes and sandwiches for our Tiger who came to tea tea party in the afternoon. We choose our favourite sandwich filling. In the afternoon we had a tea party and a tiger came to join us. 

 On Friday morning we made crowns ready for our Coronation street party and had a lovely play outside. In the afternoon we all had a wonderful time with our families celebrating the coronation with lots of activities over at the main school. 

We have enjoyed constructing with the lego, magnetic lego, wooden animal bricks. In the number area we have been exploring weighing using the scales and using the language of heavier, lighter and balance. We have been mark making on the whiteboards and it is great to see children mark making the sounds we have learnt.  We have also enjoyed using the playdough and using a variety of tools, black stripes and googly eyes to make tigers. On our finger frenzy table this week we have been using the peg board pictures and tap a shape.  On the small world table we have been playing small world scene of The tiger who came to tea.  In our role play we have had a home corner with a rather large Tiger. 

We have  met the Communicative caterpillar and he has been looking out for all the communicative  things we have been doing. 

We have met reni the Renee Reciprocal Bee who is all about team work.

How can you help your children establish Reciprocity at home? Reciprocity is all about give and take, the fundamental skills for life long learning that we are aiming to instil are those of Interdependence - balancing independence and sociability;

Collaboration - the skills of learning with others; Empathy - thinking about others’ points of view and feelings; Listening - it’s more than just hearing and Imitation - picking up others’ habits and values. You can do this through play and day to day activities at home by: •Demonstrating/modelling being a good learner. •Work, play and learn alongside your children, enabling them to pick up good habits through imitation. •Make expectations of turn-taking and cooperation clear.

In our Read write Inc groups with have been learning the following sounds:
Julia's, Colleen and Lauren's group- m,a,s,d,t, i, n,p,g
Sharon's- Picture names and rhyming

Here are some Read write inc videos to support the letter sounds above:

Some photos of our week.....

For the next two weeks we will be sharing the story of Jack and the beanstalk and have lots of fun adventures to have including planting a magic bean, tasting different beans, bean game and lots more. Also we will be continuing with writing our invitations to our grandparents and visiting the post box to post them. 

Home learning

Can you tell a family member some words which rhyme?

Can you retell the story of Jack and the Beanstalk?

Can you solve a number problem? Example- There are 4 people for tea tonight, how many cups will we need? 

Can you have a go mark making one of the sounds we have learnt at pre-school?

Can you play a Fred Talk game at home?

Fred says…

Fred says put your hands on your h-e-d.    ( Ask child to repeat) 

Child says  h-e-d,  h-e-d,  head  and touch their head.

Repeat with:  b-a-k,   t-u-m,   l-e-g,   h-a-n-d,   f-u-t,   n-ee,   h-i-p

Then have a go at Fred says     r-u-n,    h-o-p,  s-k-i-p,   j-u-m-p  and   s-t-o-p 


This week stay and play is on Tuesday 9th May 2023 morning at 8.30-9.00am. Also we have our Saturday Stay and Play on Saturday 13th May 10-11.30am. Younger and older siblings welcome.

Here is the link to the recent January Preschool information session- Information session.

We are a NUT FREE SCHOOL, so please can we remind our families that the children have no products containing nuts in their lunchbox.


To order uniform for Pre-school please see link below. We also have some second hand uniform available.

DEP School wear shop



T: 01305 750292


This week stay and play is on Friday morning at 8.30-9.00am.

Save the Date.....


#InspiredToLearn Heritage Day 

To launch our #InspiredToLearn Global Awareness Week (in partnership with Development Education in Dorset - DEED) we are inviting children in all classes to celebrate the cultural wealth of our school on Monday 22nd May 2023 at our #InspiredToLearn Heritage Day.

On this day, children are welcome to wear clothing associated with their families cultural heritage and/or bring in items to share with their class. This is not a non-school uniform day - children not wearing clothing associated with their families cultural heritage should wear normal school uniform.

Please see your child’s class teacher if you have any questions.

POWSA Events:-

On Wednesday 10th May at 7.30pm in the school staff room please come along to our POWSA fundraising meeting. A great opportunity to get involved with fundraising for the school and to meet other parents and carers. If you would like more information please catch Julia. 

Please do come and see myself or a member of team if you have any questions.

We are all really looking forward to seeing you all and here's to an exciting and great week  full of fun and adventures.

Julia,Colleen, Sharon, Lauren, Ebony, James , Lauren and Magda

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