Sunday 27 June 2021

Hello everyone,

Hello everyone,

We hope you have all had a wonderful weekend.

Last week we had a great week exploring robots. We listened to the stories of Harry and the robot, No-Bot and The robot and bluebird. We watched a couple of videos of robots including some robot dogs. Here are the links:- 

We have been using the rugged robots outside and making obstacle course for them. These are robots which you can programme to move in different directions. We have been dancing to some robot dances. Our favourite one is this one:- 
Throughout the week in small groups we have been visiting the post box to post our special picture, we have a couple of groups to go this coming week. 
On Tuesday morning a group had PE with Mr Treble and they practiced some different team races including egg and spoon and running races.
In the afternoon the children continued with making green frog powder and experimented what happened when you add bicarbonate of soda with lemon juice. On Wednesday afternoon Charlie's grandad came in to play his guitar and sing some songs. It was great fun and we were great at joining in. 
On Thursday afternoon the weather was lovely and sunny and the children enjoyed exploring the water tape and had some amazing fun making rivers, dams and exploring water. We all got rather wet but it was so much fun.On Friday we enjoyed dancing to a variety of our favourite tunes outside with the loud speaker. We are great dancers. Also on Friday we used some big cardboard boxes to make robots and using them to make robot heads for us to wear. Throughout the week we have been using the playdough to make robots, playing in the water tray with tea, cups, spoons and tea pots. We loved making a cup of tea. We have been constructing dog houses using the magnetic shapes and using the cogs and gears to make them go round. We have been practicing our screwdriver skills using them to screw in screws into pieces of wood. We used paint shaving foam on foil to mark make with and explored mixing colours. We have enjoyed exploring the bug small world and information books.  In the number area we have been exploring the numicon with water beads and tweezers. We loved the feel of the water beads. 

This week we are going to be exploring and playing a variety of sports including swimming, football, hockey, basket ball and lots more. We have got our sponsored bike and scooter rides throughout the week. We have got a special surprise on Monday morning. On Friday afternoon we have dance day. 

Home Learning Challenge

Can you play a game of I spy at home?


As the weather is starting to warm, please could all children bring sun hats to school. We do have a box of spares if needed. Please  apply suncream to your child before school and tick your child's name off on the list which will be on the green table by the pre-school door. If you have ticked to supply your own suncream, please could you make sure either it is in their bags or a spare is kept at pre-school. 

On Wednesday morning at 9.00am we have got the photographer coming to do our class photo. Fingers crossed this time. Please see letter which was sent home for details.

Last week we sent home a letter about swimming this week with a permission slip. Please bring these in if you would like your child to swim. Please bring in your child's swimming kit on their swimming day. 

Throughout the week we have got our sponsored POWSA Bike-a-Thon. The children can bring in scooters, bikes and helmets on their day. We are going to be doing it in small groups. We have got balance bikes, scooters and helmets they can borrow. 

On Friday afternoon it is school dance day and we are doing a robot dance and head shoulders knees and toes. You are all very welcome to come and watch. It starts at 2.30pm on the school field. 

On the whiteboard outside the classroom door is a pocket with Home Wow slips in, please help yourself to these. We love celebrating the children's home WOW'S.

Every Friday till the end of term, POWSA will be selling ice lollies and choc ices from 3.20pm at pick up. Ice lollies and choc ices 50p.

We love seeing all the lovely home learning you are all doing so please do email it in to and

If you have any questions, please just ask.

Here's to another great week of adventures.

Julia, Karen, Helen, Sharon, Colleen and Suzanne


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