Sunday 4 November 2018


Image result for fireworks

Hello everyone,

Wow, what a great first week back we have had. We started our week by reading the story of Pumpkin Soup by Helen Copper. On Tuesday the children took the wheelbarrows up to the poly tunnel and collected the 7 different sized pumpkins. They really enjoyed this job. In the afternoon the children helped to scoop out the pumpkin and design different faces on them. The children practiced their spoon and knife skills. They talked about the textures they could feel. On Tuesday morning we had Mr Treble for PE and we did lots of games which involved negotiating spaces. We are getting really good at putting on our plimsols. On Wednesday morning the children helped to make pumpkin soup which they really enjoyed. On Wednesday afternoon we went to the chickens and gave them the excess pumpkins which the chickens loved. All the leaves had come off the tree's so we had a great afternoon throwing piles of leaves up into the air and rolling in big piles of leaves. On Thursday we had our NSPCC PANTS Day. We got to meet Pantasarus the dinosaur and watch the NSPCC PANTS video. We then designed our own pants.
On Thursday afternoon we went to the play trail and then played some ring games in the hall. 
On Friday some children went to watch Year 3 Assembly which they really enjoyed and did some great listening. On Friday afternoon the children made their own potions. This idea came from the children from our rhyming soup potion game. 

This week we will be talking about bonfires and fireworks. We will be exploring and talking about colours, mixing colours and sounds of fireworks. We will be creating our own firework pictures using different techniques and mixing colour. We will be making our own music to represent fireworks.  We are going to be experimenting with chocolate and making edible sparkles. Also we we will be making our own name rockets and decorating the letters of our name in stars. Its going to be a very exciting week. 

Home learning

Can you find different logos and signs in your environment? Can you recognise what they are? Bring them in and show your friends during group time.

Letters and sounds:- 

This week we continue to  play a game of rhyming soup as a group. We will be finding words that rhyme together for our soup e.g. rat and bat. We have also begun to learn the Read Write inc pictures of apple, Maisie next to the mountain and net. 

Jennie Jigsaw
This week we will be talking about homes and houses and where we live.  


Don't forget to bring in your child's WOW moments. We love to share and celebrate these with everyone. There are spare WOW's by the WOW board in the corridor. 

On Wednesday at 3.10pm we have got our first story time session. If you would like to join us please come to pre-school pickup door an adult will direct you to our story session. Look forward to seeing you there.

It was lovely to see some of you at Stay and Play on Wednesday. This week Stay and Play will be on Thursday 8th November  from 8.30-9.00am. Everyone is very welcome including younger and older siblings. Hope to see lots of you there. 

Our next Saturday Stay and Play is on Saturday 24th November from 10.00-11.30am. Younger and old siblings very welcome to join us. 

Please remember to check your Child’s post pocket when you hang up coats in the mornings, all important post will be there. 

On Tuesday 6th Novemebr at 7.30pm in the main school staff room is the POWSA AGM.  For those who have never attended a PTA session before the thought can be intimidating but we are all friendly parents who want to help the school offer the best of opportunities to all the pupils who pass through it's doors, whilst having a little fun along the way. We give up a little bit of time every now and then to help provide some of those extras that help make our school such a fantastic place and if you would like to learn more we would love to see you. It would be lovely to see you there. If you unable to attend the meeting but would like more information please do come and see me.

Julia and Pre-school team

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