Sunday 28 January 2018

Science fortnight- Night and light

Hello everyone,

Wow what an amazing two weeks we have had looking at the story of The tiger who came to tea. Last week in particular, we have been talking about our favourite sandwiches and fillings. The children made their own sandwiches in the kitchen using knives to spread butter and fillings. The children then cut them in half. We talked about how to make a sandwich and each step needed.  We also made some cakes for our tea party on Friday. We talked about what you would need to make cakes and how to make them. After we had made them we carefully decorated the cakes. The children decorated the cakes beautifully. We have continued to listen to the CD of Tiger who came tea and carried out lots of tiger aerobics!!!! On Wednesday we had our face painted as tigers. The children loved this and couldn't wait to show you all their faces. On the computer we have designed our own plates of food for the tiger using purple mash. There are some great plates of food. The children are becoming very confident at using the computers and have good control of using the mouse. The children have become very good at retelling the story of The tiger who came to tea using the pictures from the book. Some children were able to retell the story without the book along with talking about all the characters and settings in the book. On Friday morning the children prepared for the tiger coming to our tea party. They made sandwiches in the kitchen and decorated cakes. On Friday afternoon we had our tea party and we had a surprise visit from the tiger. It was lovely to see so many of our families join us at the tiger tea party. We hope you all enjoyed it. 

For the next two weeks we are going to be having science fortnight. This week in particular we will be discovering light and dark and reading the story of Owl babies and The owl who was afraid of the dark. We will be talking about what it is like in the day and night, the animals that are awake at night, using torches, exploring shadows and lots more. We will be asking the children what they would like to find out about light and dark. 

Home learning

Well done to all the children who bought in something beginning with Tt. 
Can you retell the story of the owl babies using the puppets you bring home from pre-school? Please fill in a WOW for this. 

Letters and Sounds

We have begun our rhyming door, the children have come up with lots of words and we will continue to add to this door with lots more rhyming words. The children have become really good at describing an object for the other children to guess. 
This week we will..
Playing with words
Gather together a set of familiar objects with names that have varying syllable patterns (e.g. pencil, umbrella, camera, xylophone). Show the objects to the children, name them and talk about what they are used for. Wait for the children to share some of their experiences of the objects; for instance, some of them will have used a camera. Then encourage them to think about how the name of the object sounds and feels as they say it. Think about the syllables and clap them out as you say each word. Then clap the syllables for a word without saying it and ask: What object could that be?
As children gain con dence try some long words like binoculars, telephone, dinosaur

Jennie Jigsaw

This week Jennie Jigsaw will be talking about what we would like to do when we are older.


Don't forget to bring in your child's WOW moments. We love to share and celebrate these with everyone. There are spare WOW's by the WOW board in the corridor. 

It was lovely to see some of you at Stay and Play on Friday.  This week Stay and Play will be on Wednesday 31st January from 8.30-9.00am. Everyone is very welcome including younger and older siblings. Hope to see lots of you there.

During the week beginning Monday 5th February 2018 we will be running a special ‘Science Themed Week’ across the entire School and Pre-School. Throughout the week, your child will be involved in a number of exciting Science Themed Activities such as a visit to a planetarium, drone flying lessons and hands on Science workshops!
On Wednesday 7th February 2018, we will be having a SCIENCE THEMED DRESS UP DAY. Children should come dressed as a Scientist. This could be someone such as Albert Einstein, Katherine Johnson or Marie Curie, or they could be an explorer, astronaut, naturist such as David Attenborough or Steve Backshall.  
We are asking for a voluntary parental contribution of £4.50 for your child to take part in these exciting and enriching learning opportunities throughout the week. This is a contribution, so anything that you are able to give will be gratefully received and all children will be involved in the activities regardless of the voluntary contributions made.

If you have not returned your session request for next half term, please could you bring them in as soon as possible to enable us to plan staffing.

Don't forget it is a staff training day on Friday 9th February so the last day of term will be Thursday 8th February. 

Please sign up for parents evening which is the second week back after half term. Sign up sheet is in the corridoor on the wall.

There is a POWSA meeting on the 6th February in the main school staff room at 7.30pm. Please ask Julia for more information. 

On 10th February from 2-5pm is another community make over day of the wildlife garden. Everyone is very welcome. If you are able to help, please do come along.

Julia and Pre-school Team

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