Sunday 18 June 2017

STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) Week

Image result for STEM activity pictures in early years

Hello everyone,

Hope you all had a lovely weekend, what fantastic weather we have had. 

Last week we painted with water colours a picture of a footballer or car for our Father's Day card. We were all amazing at holding our paintbrush and carefully painting within the line. We had excellent control of the paintbrush. We all enjoyed cooking flapjacks for our dad's. We followed the recipe, cut up dried fruit, mixing ingredients and watching what happens when you heat butter up. 
During group time we listened to some Father's day stories and talked about why our dad's are special to us. Small display up later in the week. 
We all did really well with writing our names on the back of our cards.  We have really enjoyed playing outside in the beautiful weather. We have been exploring our initial sounds pots and coming up with different words beginning with s,j, and h. 

This week we are having a science, technology, engineering and maths week. The school are also doing this theme for the week. 
We will be doing lot's of different activities involving science, technology and maths. Each day there will different activities and challenges. We will be talking about what we think might happen, whats happens and how we can adapt our ideas.

Jennie Jigsaw:- Over the next few weeks we will be talking about our new schools and sharing some stories about starting school.

Sounds and Letters:- A mixture of rhyming, initial sounds and musical instruments. 

Home Learning:- Can you make a bridge to hold 5 playmobil people? You can use any type of construction. It would be great to see some photos or models brought in.


On Monday the photography is coming in to take our class photo. If you do not usually attend on a Monday you are very welcome to come in for 9.00am for the photography. 

Stay and Play is on Thursday 22nd June starting from8.30 till 9.00am. We will be having some experiments and challenges for you to do. It will be lovely to see you there.

The week of 3rd July we will be doing our sponsored bike/scooter ride. Within the next two weeks we will be letting you know which day your child will be taking part in this. If you have not received a sponsorship form, please come and see me. 

This week the weather is fore casted to be very hot,  please make sure children are sun creamed and have a sun hat. We will be reapplying suncream at lunch time for children staying all day. We will be encouraging the children to have regularly drinks of water throughout the day. 

If you would like to catch up about your child's progress before the end of term please come and see me to arrange a time. 

On Tuesday 27th June, Mr Gibson is holding a coffee morning for all our preschool parents to talk about reading. Please do come along. 


Julia and Pre-school team 

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