Monday 1 May 2017

Hello everyone,

We hope you all had a wonderful May Bank Holiday.

Last week we all enjoyed listening to the story of Jack and the beanstalk. We were really good at recalling the story along with the characters, settings and main events. We planted our own beans to grow to our castle. (When they have grown it would be great to see some photos.) On Wednesday afternoon the children made magic bean stew. It looked very yummy. For our snack last week we tried different types of green beans and on Friday we had baked beans on toast. We learnt a new game called beans which involves the children moving in different ways depending on the types of bean. Outside the children have been planting beans in the garden along with playing a bean bag by seeing how many they can get in the bucket. On Friday morning we acted out the story of Jack and the beanstalk which they really enjoyed and wanted to do it again. So we did in the afternoon.  On Thursday the giant left us a note about finding objects in the classroom and outside which were as big, smaller or the same length as his footprint. The children used rollers to find different objects to answer the giants questions. Display will go up this week. We have started a bean experiment in the classroom to see how beans grow e.g. roots, shoot and stem and to see which ones grow quickest. There are on the washing line in classroom 1.

This week we will be  beginning our topic of maps and pirates which the children had a great interest in before the Easter holidays. Thank you for all those who have bought maps in. We will be using them during the week. We will be looking at different types of maps and listening to pirate stories. We will be making our own maps along with a treasure hunt at the end of the week. We will be using Beebot as the children have asked to use them again. We will be setting challenges for Beebot.

Letters and sounds:- sorting groups of objects that begin with same sound, copying a sequence of body sounds and musical instruments.

Home Learning:- Can you think of a rhyming string e.g cat, hat, mat, rat? 


Grandparent's snack is on Tuesday 1st May starting from 10.15. We looking forward to welcoming the children's grandparents to join us for snack and to see all the different things we do at Pre-school.

There is a POWSA meeting on Tuesday 1st May at the Main school starting at 7.30pm. It would be lovely to see you there. 

Stay and Play is on Thursday 4th May starting from 8.30am till 9.00am. Look forward to seeing lots of you there. 

This term our students are Megan and Valerie. They are studying the childcare course at The Thomas Hardye School. They come on Thursday and Friday for placement and to gain experience in the Early Years. 

Have a great week.

Julia and Pre-school team

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