Sunday 23 April 2017

Our learning this week..Beans

Hello everyone,

I hope you all had a wonderful Easter holiday. What lovely weather we had.

This week we will be reading the story of Jack and the beanstalk which is a traditional tale. From this story we will be doing lots of bean activities. We will be planting our own seeds to come home with, and planting different bean seeds in plastic bags to see how they grow. Outside in the garden we will be planting more beans in pots to make a bean teepee. We will also be reading the story of Jasper bean stalk. On Wednesday afternoon we are going to make a bean stew in the kitchen which we aim  to allow the children to take home. Throughout the week we will also be using bean bags to play games like how many can you throw into the bucket.  At snack time we will be trying different types of beans you can eat. We will also be measuring beans using a variety of methods and objects.

Letters and sounds:- sorting groups of objects that begin with same sound, copying a sequence of body sounds and musical instruments.

Jennie jigsaw:-

Home Learning:-
We will be doing maps next week with pirates which will flow nicely into our learning about the beach. If you visited somewhere and you were given a map it would be lovely for the children to bring them in and talk about where they have been. For example monkey world maps, train line maps etc.
What different types of beans can you find at home, in the garden and shops ?


We are looking forwards to welcoming Tracey to our team who will be starting on Monday. Tracey will be in year 2 preschool everyday and is looking forwards to getting to know you all.

Stay and play will be on Wednesday 26th April starting from 8.30 till 9.00'ish. It is always lovely to see you there.

During the  2nd half of the summer term we will be preparing the children for the transition to their first school. To make this transition a positive experience for all children, we will be sharing stories about starting school and looking at pictures of our new schools.  Caroline will be sending home a letter to see which school your child will be attending in September. This will support me in making contact with the other schools Reception teacher to share your child's learning and interest and for them to come to preschool to visit the children. Please do come and see me if you have any questions.

Julia and pre-school team

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