Sunday 13 November 2016

Fireworks/ Friday (Children in need)

Image result for fireworksImage result for children in need

Hello everyone,

Hope you all have had a nice weekend.

Last week we talked about the sound of fireworks and then found musical instruments to match the could we thought of. From doing this we learnt some of the names for different musical instruments. We talked about our experiences from firework night. We used different coloured paints to explore what happens when you mix them through strawing blowing and finger painting on foil. On Monday we had a bonfire snack including peppers, oranges and hot-dogs outside around a pretend fire the children made. It was a little chilly but the children enjoyed it very much. We have been recognising and finding our own name and decorating the letters with stars. Some of us knew the sound of the letter our name began with. Also it was world nursery rhyme week and we sang some of our favourite nursery rhymes in the roundhouse and outside in the school playground.

This week we will be finishing off our firework paint pictures with glitter. We will start making our own rockets using junk modelling, if you have any resources that may help with this please bring them in. We will be reading some rockets stories like whatever next. We will be making some breadstick sparklers and exploring what happens to chocolate when you melt it. In the hall we will be playing some running around games which involves negotiates spaces successfully adjusting speed and direction to avoid obstacles.
On Friday it is children in need day and we will be doing lots activities involving spots. Children may come in dressed with spots.

Jennie Jigsaw:-

This week we will be looking at how special we are and what makes us special.

Letters and Sounds:-

This week we will be copying a sequence of body sounds. Can you think of some different body sounds?

Home learning:-

Over the week it would be fantastic if your child could find advertising logos they recognise in their environment. For example the Lidi sign or the McDonald sign. You may like to take a photo of it, drew it or cut out a picture.


Tomorrow (Monday 14th November) is the last day for photo orders as the order is being picked up on Tuesday.
This week stay and play is on Friday 18th November 8.30 onwards. Be lovely to see you there.
On Friday it is Children in Need day so the children may come dressed in something spotty. 

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