Sunday 8 October 2023

Hello everyone......

 Hi Everyone, 

We hope you have all had a great weekend. It was lovely to see so many families at Autumn Fest. 

Last week we enjoyed the stories of Apple Tree Farm at group time and The scarecrows wedding. 

On Monday morning a couple of groups made apple muffins to bring home. In the afternoon the children visited the orchard to collect apples to make apple boats. We experimented to see if they sank or floated and if what happened when we cut them into quarters. We enjoyed exploring how to get them to float down the guttering. 

On Tuesday morning another couple of groups made apple muffins to bring home. In the afternoon we used the apples that Ottile harvested from her garden to make stewed apple for snack. We also cooked the beetroot we harvested from the farm trip to try for snack and also made beetroot humous for snack. Everyone was amazing at trying new foods. Also we played a game of number bingo which we all enjoyed. 

 On Wednesday we had PE with Colleen and Lauren and we played lots of games which involved negotiating spaces and moving in different ways. A group of children visited the care home to have a sing song and stories along with eating some very yummy lemon drizzle cake. In the afternoon we did a science experiment with water, vinegar, bicarbonate of soda. We explored what happened when you put grain, conkers and spiders into water and bicarbonate of soda followed by adding vinegar. The children are beginning to make predictions using previous learning.

On Thursday morning we had forest school and will all had an amazing time. We made our own trees using a paper plate and leaves. We then did some finger painting to make an owl. We learnt about the colours of an owl and where they like to live. We also when on a nature walk and created a nature crown. 

 On Friday we went to Harvest assembly at the main school and sang Dingle dangle scarecrow and Old McDonald had a farm.   Throughout the week we have been making apple muffins. We went to the school orchard to collect apples and then to the chickens to collect the eggs. We then went to the kitchen and followed a recipe to make apple muffins to bring home. The smelt delicious. 

On the finger frenzy table we have been practicing our threading with the wooden fruit and wooden animal pictures. We have been using a pincer grip when threading. The adult have been talking about patterns and repeated patterns. In the number area we have been putting the correct number of apples and pears into the numbered bowl.
We have enjoyed exploring the grains from the farm. We have enjoyed exploring filling different sized cups with different sized spoons and pouring the seeds. We have been very creative building marble runs. We have been busy mark making using our finger in the oats. We have be constructing with the  transparent blocks. On the small world table we have been playing with the farm scene and sharing our knowledge of farming. In the playdough we have been making cupcakes. We continue to meet Reggie the Resilient Tortoise. He is one of learning powers which encourage us to keep on trying. He enjoys celebrating our resilience with us. 

 Here are some photos of the week....

For the next two weeks we are going to be exploring Autumn through a variety of activities. 

Home learning:

Can you set the table for dinner and work out how many plates you need for the table?

Can you play a game to help you recognise your own name?

Can you go on an Autumn Scavenger hunt and tell an adult the changes in the season you can see?


Stay and play morning sessions are now posted next to our door on the window. It would be great to see you. These run once a week on a different morning each week from 8.30am-9.00am. We also have one every half term on a Saturday. This week stay and play is on Friday morning at 8.30-9.00am.

Parents evening is on Tuesday and Thursday next week.  The signing up sheets are up by the pre-school door. If these dates and times are not convenient  please do come and speak to Julia about a date and time which would be.

Prince of Wales School Open morning is on Wednesday 11th October. To reserve your place for this event please email the school office.

Damers First School open morning is on Wednesday 11th October at 10.00am or Thursday 9th November at 1.30pm. No booking required.

Applying for Reception Place to start in September 2024

You can apply for a reception place from 1 September 2024.

The closing date for applications is 15 January 2024.


To order uniform for Pre-school please see link below. We also have some second hand uniform available.

DEP School wear shop



T: 01305 750292


Please bring any WOW's for our WOW board you have and if you need some WOW slips, please ask a member of staff.

Please do come and see myself or a member of team if you have any questions.

Here's to an exciting and amazing Shark in the dark week  full of fun and adventures. 

Julia, Colleen, Sharon and Lauren

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