Sunday 9 May 2021

Hello everyone.....


Hello everyone,

We hope you have all had a lovely weekend despite the rainy weather. A great weekend for puddle jumping. 

Last week we continue with the story of Jack and the beanstalk and on Friday we shared the story of Jasper's beanstalk. 

On Tuesday we used our welly boot printed beanstalk to add some natural objects like leaves, sticks etc. We went on a hunt around the school grounds to pick up a variety of objects. We explored the different textures. In the afternoon we made some chalk paint by crunching chalk with a stone and adding water to it. We then painted our own pictures with the chalk paint onto black paper. We had Mr Treble for PE and we were on the school field. We did some great climbing and balancing on the trim trail. We also used bean bags to see how far we could throw them and aiming them into a goal. We finished off with a game of toilet tag which we all loved.On Wednesday we put some bean seeds into plastic bags and watered them. We are looking forward to watching them grow and to see the roots and the changes the beans make. In afternoon we played the bean game which involved naming different beans and moving in that way e.g. runner bean=running, string bean-standing on tiptoes, jelly bean-Wobbly moving.On Thursday we acted out the story of Jack and the beanstalk using the tree house. It was so much fun that we acting out the story a few times and then the children acted out their own version. On Friday we did some magic with the sun, water, leaves and special sunlight paper. We arranged our leaves on to the special paper and then let the sun shine down onto the paper. We then put our paper in water and it left the pattern of the leaves. We made some mud kitchen giant soup using natural ingredients from the garden. Throughout the week we have used the puppet theatre to retell the story of Jack and the beanstalk with the puppets. We have been busy creating models with the magnetic shapes including some houses for the teddies to live in. We used rulers and different objects to measure the beanstalks in the number area. We made habitats for the underwater sea animals in the wood block area and water play. We played a game with the beanbags and had a go at throwing them in the giants mouth. We pretended a crate was his mouth and that the beanbags were sausages. 

This week we are going to be exploring families and on Thursday we are going to be celebrating the festival of Eid with Yasmine. Yasmine's mum is going to be joining us for the day and we will be celebrating Eid with a variety of activities. If there are any traditions, celebrations or festivals that your family do and you would like to share at pre-school, please come and let us know. 

Home learning Challenge

Can you bring a picture in of your family to share at group time and for our class display?

What to wear for extended family portraits {Franklin Family Photographers}  — Nashville Family Photographers | Jenna Henderson | Baby + Family PortraitsCan you help with a small job at home? For example setting the table for dinner, tidying up, watering the plants etc

Cleaning up games | Pendidikan


As the weather is starting to warm, please could all children bring sun hats to school. We do have a box of spares if needed. Please  apply suncream to your child before school and tick your child's name off on the list which will be on the green table by the pre-school door. If you have ticked to supply your own suncream, please could you make sure either it is in their bags or a spare is kept at pre-school. 

On Wednesday 12th May in the evening at 8.00pm, there is a parent zoom information session. A link will be sent out on Wednesday for this meeting. If you have any questions you would like to ask please do email me. 

On Saturday 15th May we have our community makeover day 10.00am-4.00pm. If you would like more information or would like to volunteer please email

On the whiteboard outside the classroom door is a pocket with Home Wow slips in, please help yourself to these. We love celebrating the children's home WOW'S.

Henry is missing a pre-school jumper which has his name in. Please could we check jumpers. 

We love seeing all the lovely home learning you are all doing so please do email it in to and

If you have any questions, please just ask.

Heres to another fantastic week of adventures.

Julia, Karen, Helen, Sharon, Colleen and Suzanne

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