Sunday 21 March 2021

Hello everyone

Hello everyone,

We hope you have all had a lovely weekend.

Last week we enjoyed listening to the story of  Stomp Chomp Big Roars Here come the dinosaurs by Nick Sharratt along with lots of other dinosaur stories. We learnt some new dinosaur songs and enjoyed watching Andy dinosaur adventures on CBeebies. On Tuesday we put our large dinosaur egg in a bowl of water and we have had great fun observing the changes. The eggs has been cracking and when the children come to pre-school next week they will see what's inside the egg. There has been lots of discussions of what it might be and what type of dinosaur it is.  We have enjoyed making our own dinosaur worlds with natural resources we have found around in the garden. We have made some dinosaur fossils using flour, salt, bicarbonate  of soda. We pressed the dinosaur into the dough and then took them out and saw the imprint left. We then put them in the oven to bake. We will be exploring them this week and painting them. 
On Friday afternoon we pretended we were fossil dinosaurs outside and our friends pretended to discover us and we came alive as dinosaurs and moving like dinosaurs. 
We talked about what the word herbivorous and carnivorous means. 
On Friday it was Red Nose Day and we designed our own funny red nose and listened to a story about a little girl who needed a wheelchair and how the money from Red Nose Day enabled her to have a wheelchair. In the afternoon we decorated a cake with a funny face and red icing and we enjoyed eating these for snacks.  

On Tuesday we had PE with Mr Treble and we used the apparatus to balance, climb and jump. We are doing really well at balancing. We also played a new game called dodgeball. We ran around the hall and had to dodge the balls rolling around on the floor. 

Throughout the week we have really enjoyed being archaeologists looking for dinosaur bones in the sand. We used small spoons, brushes and tools to discover the hidden dinosaur skeletons. We have been using pasta in the playdough to make dinosaur skeletons.  We have been painting our own dinosaurs at the painting easel. Also we have continued to enjoy the small world space table. We have been creating with the wooden blocks and exploring and naming the different types of dinosaurs.  On the number table we have been recognising numerals on the dinosaurs and putting the correct number of spikes on the dinosaur. 
Throughout the week in the afternoon we really liked playing Duck Duck Goose outside.

Here are some pictures:- 

This week we will be continuing exploring dinosaurs with lots more stories and information books. We have got some more exciting activities to support our learning. We will be continuing to observe our eggs in the incubator which are due to hatch the following week. There will be a live web cam during the hatching which you will be able to see on the school facebook page. 
We will also be planting some potatoes this week.

Home learning Challenges:- 
Getting Dressed Challenge

Can you challenge yourself to get dressed and undressed? 

FRED talk game:-

Number Fingers 

Fred says a number and asks the children to show him that number of fingers. 

'Fred wants you to show him th-r-ee’. 'Fred says show him s-i-x’.

Dinosaur Challenge

Can you design and create your own dinosaur by making, painting, drawing?


On the whiteboard outside the classroom door is a pocket with Home Wow slips in, please help yourself to these. We love celebrating the children's home WOW'S.

We are collecting packaging from foods and house hold products for our role play supermarket. If you have any, please do bring them in. We will place them in isolation for 72 hours before we put them in the role play area.

The children will also be able to bring home, puzzles and games in their library books bags if they would like to.

We love seeing all the lovely home learning you are all doing so please do email it in to and

Here's to an amazing week of exploring and learning about dinosaurs..

Julia, Karen, Helen, Sharon and Colleen

Poster - Dinosaur Name Chart | Dinosaur illustration, Dinosaur posters,  Spinosaurus

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