Sunday 28 February 2021

Hello everyone

 Hello everyone,

We hope you have all had a wonderful weekend and have enjoyed the beautiful spring sunshine. It is so lovely to see all the spring flowers beginning to flower and being able to get out in the lovely weather. Our spring bulbs are about to flower and we are really looking forward to seeing them.

Last week we had a great week settling back into preschool and exploring the topic of Fairtrade. We found out about the logo and we explained the term Fairtrade using a chocolate bar which we then enjoyed tasting! We also used some Fairtrade bananas to make some banana bread, it smelt very yummy. We enjoyed sharing the story of Pablo the banana and Charlie and Lola Fairtrade story. A challenge for home this week... Can you find the Fairtrade Logo? We used tissue paper to create our own Fairtrade bananas. We made a large Fairtrade logo using shiny foil. We have really enjoyed playing with the coffee granules with cups, pestle and mortars, different sized spoons and exploring the texture through our senses. We have been very busy creating models with the Duplo and using our models in play. We have been busy building with the wooden blocks and the large transparent wooden blocks in building towers. We have explored magnets and how they work. We discovered which objects are magnetic and not magnetic. Also we used the magnets to go round the classroom and find objects which were magnetic. We used vocabulary including attracting and repelling. We also shared the story of Handa's Surprise and using the fruits and playmobil people and animals to retell the stories ourselves.  We have really enjoyed exploring outside this week in the warmer weather. On Tuesday we had PE with Mr Treble and used the apparatus to do some balancing and jumping off and landing with two feet. We played the game of pirate treasure which is one of our favourites. 

This week we will be continuing to settle back into pre-school and exploring the topic of Frogspawn, tadpoles and frogs as last week we found some frogspawn in our school pond and Arthur has bought some frog spawn in from his pond.  We will be learning about the life cycle of a frog through stories and a variety of activities. On Thursday we will be celebrating World Book Day with a variety of activities.

 Home learning Challenges:-

Everyday Mr Spracklen has Good morning POW at 9.30, 11.20 virtual assembly and 4.00pm Evening POW. This can be accessed on Facebook and you tube and is a great way of seeing what everyone is up to. It's really interactive and guarantee to make you smile.

Socks and shoe challenge:- 

Can you challenge yourself to put your socks and shoes on all by yourself?

Rhyming Challenge:-

Can you think of as many words which rhyme with frog?
Sharing a story:-

Can you find a fun place to share a story? Send us a picture in of your chosen place. 
There is also a great link with a video book to share which is organised by World Book day. Here is the link:


On the whiteboard outside the classroom door is a pocket with Home Wow slips in, please help yourself to these. We love celebrating the children's home WOW'S.

This week we will be sending home the children's Magical achievements book for them to share with you. 

On Thursday it is World Book Day, the children are very welcome to dress up as a Nursery Rhyme Character. 

If you are not attending Pre-school, we will give you a call to see how you all are, hear about what you have been up to and if there's anything we can do to help. Home learning packs will be coming out on Thursday and Fridays.

We love seeing all the lovely home learning you are all doing so please do email it in to and

I know we say this all the time but we really do mean it, if you need anything, please  call or email  us anytime if you have a question or need anything. My email is: 

Here's to another fabulous week.

Julia, Helen, Sharon, Colleen and Karen

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