Sunday 6 December 2020

Christmas is coming....


Hello everyone,

We hope you have all had a fantastic weekend.

Last week we have enjoyed listening to the Nativity story along with lots of other Christmas stories. We have been very busy singing jingle bells, when Santa got stuck up the chimney and Rudolph the red nose reindeer. 

Every morning this week a group of children have been busy in the kitchen making their very own Christmas cakes to bring home at the end of term. They look and smell delicious. 
On Monday we used the Christmas sponges to do some printing on paper to then make in to paper chains. In the afternoon we made our own snowflakes and we loved unfolding the snowflake once we had made the snips to see the surprise. We then put silver glitter on them.
On Tuesday we had PE with Mr Treble. We worked together in pairs in bouncing a ball into the hoop and we played a game of stuck in the mud. In the afternoon we made a swirly Christmas tree which helped us practice our scissors skills.  We also threaded some cheerios onto a pipe cleaner to hang outside for the birds.

On Wednesday we made paper chains with our printed paper and these are up in our classroom. In the afternoon we made Christmas shaped fat balls for the birds in our garden. We also took Santa on a sleigh ride around the school. This was great fun. We worked in teams to pull the sleigh.  

On Thursday morning we made an obstacle course in the hall. We moved in a variety of ways including balancing, jumping, twisting, hopping etc. We challenge ourselves to move along the bench in lots of different ways. In the afternoon we went in groups to go puddle jumping in our new all in one suits. We thought we looked like the Grinch as we were all green. It was so much fun and we found some great puddles. We also made some salt dough Christmas tree decorations.

On Friday we painted our hedgehogs we made out of salt dough a few weeks back. We also went in small groups to soft play. In the afternoon we went to the trim trail at school. We did some amazing balancing, swinging, climbing. 

Throughout the week we have enjoyed playing in the Winter wonderland room with Santa's workshop, Christmas fuzzy felt and polar express train set. We have been busy using the play dough with Christmas tree cutters and decorating our tree's with buttons, gems, pom poms. On the painting easel with have decorated the precept Christmas tree shapes. We have enjoyed exploring the sensory tray which is full of a variety of Christmas objects to feel, smell, see. We have been recognising numerals 1-6 and decorating them with the correct number of objects. We have enjoyed the small world scene of Father Christmas, reindeer, white fabric, polar bears, blue shiny fabric, blue rice and making up our own stories. We have been playing the hedgehog number game with our friends this week.

This week we have got lots more fun Christmas activities to do this week. We are going to be decorating our Christmas cakes, decorating our salt dough Christmas Tree's decorations and lots more suprises..

Some of our learning in pictures this week.....

Letters and Sounds

Last week we introduced Maisie next to the mountain, apple and snake from the read write inc cards. We will also began Fred talk with Fred the frog. This week we will continue with our rhyming games. introduce dinosaur, tower, insect from the read write inc cards. We will also begin Fred talk with Fred the frog. 

Home Learning

Can you go on a shape hunt and find as many different shapes as you can? Can you name the shapes? Can you describe the shape? 


Please bring any WOW's for our WOW board you have. If you would like some WOW slips, these can be found on the outside notice board in a wallet.

On Monday we are going to be watching the performance of Elves and the shoemaker. Children are welcome to dress up as elves on Monday, although this of course is not compulsory!

Also on Monday we have our Christmas story telling session with hot chocolate and a biscuit around the Christmas tree and magical lights in the main school hall at 4.15-4.50pm. Children are welcome to come in pyjamas, dressing gowns, onesies and slippers along with bringing their favourite cuddly toy. The pre-school team will greet the children at the back doors of the main school hall doors and pick up will also be from here. 

On Wednesday and Thursday it would be great if the children could come in with a piece of Christmas headwear for our Christmas sing song recording. 

On Friday it is Save the Children Christmas Jumper day. Children can come to Pre-school in their Christmas jumper with a donation for Save the Children. 

Also on Friday it is the Christmas Virtual school Disco at 5.00pm. An email has sent been out with login details. 

Here is the information from the Dorchester primary schools of some virtual look arounds and videos. Here are the details for Damers First school 

There is a virtual video tour of St Marys Catholic First school. Here is the link for this:-

Please always remember you can  call or email  us anytime if you have a question or need anything.

My email is:

Here's to another amazing week.

Julia, Karen, Colleen, Helen and Sharon

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