Sunday 1 November 2020

Pumpkins and Fireworks

Hello Everyone,

We hope you have all had a wonderful half term and we really look forward to hearing all about the adventures you have been up to. If the children would like to bring in some photos of their adventures during half term to share at group time, please do. We have all really enjoyed looking at the photos of all the amazing home learning you have been doing. It looks like you have had lot's of fun.

This week we will be exploring the theme of pumpkins and fireworks and have lots of exciting activities planned. We will be sharing the story of Pumpkin Soup and some firework poems and songs. We will doing some science experiments, mixing colours, musical instruments and lots more of exciting activites.  Also we will be finishing off our Christmas Cards which you will be able to purchase whilst raising money for POWSA. If you have any jar lids at home, please bring them in as we have an exciting plan to make a banjo. Also if you have a pumpkin carved or not carved you know longer want please bring them into preschool as we have some exciting activities planned with them. 

Home Learning

Can you create your own firework picture using a choice of media and techniques e.g. paint, chalk, crayons, and a choice of tool to create an effect?


An email was sent out this morning with an update from Mr Spracklen. PLEASE NOTE: From Monday 2nd November 2020, all parents and carers (if medically fit to do so) should wear a facemask to enter any part of the school grounds. This includes all drop-off and collections.  

REMINDER: Under current and ongoing guidance, only one parent/carer can escort a child to/from school. 

REMINDER: Under current and ongoing guidance, we ask that social distancing between parents and carers is maintained at all times. This includes not standing around in small groups after drop-off.

The photographer session on Tuesday 3rd November will be going ahead. If your child does not normally attend Pre-school on this day and you have not got a slot booked , please speak to a member of staff or ring the pre-school office.

On Wednesday 4th November is a POWSA meeting at 7.30pm in the main school hall.

If you would further information please ask.Please bring any WOW's for our WOW board you have. If you would like some WOW slips, these can be found on the outside notice board in a wallet.

Primary school applications:- You can now apply for your child's place for Primary schools. The closing date for application is the 15th January 2021. Here is the link:-

On Wednesday it is the POWSA AGM @7.30pm in the school hall. All welcome - please email if you are planning to attend so that we can monitor numbers for social distancing.

We are all really looking forward to seeing you all next week.

Here's to an exciting and amazing week.

Julia, Karen, Sharon, Colleen and Helen

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