Sunday 21 June 2020

Hello everyone

Hello everyone,

We hope you have all had a wonderful weekend. We hope you all liked our cards and presents we made for our dad's and special people in our lives. 

We have enjoyed starting our seaside theme this week. Next week we will be continuing our theme of the seaside.

We have had an amazing week in pre-school.

Here is each groups news of our learning throughout the week.

Group C:

Monday we started our beach theme using paint to explore colour mixing and different ways to apply the paint to make some waves.
Painted pictures of ourselves thinking about our hair colour etc.
Played with shaving foam ice cream and read the Lighthouse Keeper.
Tuesday we began our big beach picture. 
Visited the roundhouse for an egg hunt and disco! 
Watched and listened to some sea songs, The big ship sails on  the ally ally oh, A sailor went to sea sea sea and When I was one I sucked my thumb... singing fast and slow. 
Wednesday we shared a letter about VE day Zoe brought in to share from her Great Gran.
Played I-spy with colours.
Made some sun safety pictures.
Thursday we practiced our sounds with Fred frog and rhymed some of the words.
Read the Rainbow fish and made some of our own fish.
Danced to some frozen songs. 

Group B:-

On Monday we had great fun making telescopes and then going outside to hunt for golden egg treasure. We were amazing at using the telescopes to find the treasure in all sorts of places. We also started to making our cards for the weekend. We played bucket skittles as well outside. We used balls to knock down the buckets. We made pasta salad for snack which was very yummy. We didi all the cutting by ourselves. On Tuesday we made our cards for the weekend and made a special treat of chocolate biscuit cake. We were great at weighing out the ingredients and cooking. On Wednesday we did the water bucket challenge in teams which was great fun. We had to carry the water from one bucket to another bucket in relay using a smaller bucket. The aim was to empty the bucket without loosing too much water. We got a little wet! We also did some cooking and made chocolate biscuit cake. We had a visitor come in, which was a live crab!! We enjoyed watching him move and learning all about crabs.
On Thursday we enjoyed painting pebbles with pictures on. We also finished off our cards ready for the weekend. We had PE with Mr Treble and enjoyed playing some running around games and praticing our ball skills.  We all enjoyed playing the water bucket challenge a couple of times in teams. At the end of the day we enjoyed watching a bit of Frozen 2 on the tv. We also enjoyed singing some songs with Ivy's talker. On Friday another group made chocolate biscuit cake to take home. We also went to the play trail and enjoyed climbing, sliding and balancing. We enjoyed playing outside with the hoops, balls and the mud kitchen. We did some singing and sand old McDonald at the ocean. 
Throughout the week we have enjoyed listening to seaside stories, continuing to learn our letter sounds and FRED talk. We have been exploring objects that sink and float in theatre tray. In the sand tray we have made sandcastle with flags and decorated them with shells. 

This week we will be welcoming Suzanne who will be working with myself with Group B. Suzanne is our Early Years Governor and also  qualified teacher with experience of working in the Early Years. We very much look forward to welcoming her to our team. 

We will be continuing our theme of the seaside including making strawberry ice cream, looking at creatures that live under the sea, fossils and lots more. 

Group D:

We had a lovely time last week making our Father’s Day cards and gifts. All of the children enjoyed thinking about and discussing why their Daddies are so special to them. We hope that you are all having a fab Father’s Day. 
We also started our new beach topic this week. We have played lots of beach ball games on the field this week and enjoyed a PE session. The children are getting very fast in their running races with Mr Trebble. We have also been practicing our phonics with our phonic fishing activity, making telescopes, Captain Hook’s hook, exploring different beach sensory resources and going on a treasure hunt. The children really enjoyed a virtual aquarium tour and discovering lot’s of different sea animals. It was amazing to see how many animals the children could already identify!
Next week we will be continuing our focus on our beach topic, conducting some science experiments and exploring the differences and similarities between different sea creatures. We will continue our phonics and Fred talk practice with a sea shell phonic activity and we will be out and about exploring the school grounds as much as possible.  


The weather this week is going to be hot, please could all children come with a sun hat and suncream applied  before school to last the school day.

Next week on Friday 2nd July we have got dance day, we will be praticing our dance for the next 2 weeks in preparation for this. 
Also Pre-school will be having a sports day session on either the 1st or 2nd July with Mr Treble. Unfortunately we will be unable to have parents/carers  come in due to the current government guidance but that we will take photos of these events. 

If you are not at Pre-School I  will be continuing  to catch up with you throughout the week but please do email if we can help with anything. We are now in school 5 days a week so just give us a call and we will get back to you. We hope you all enjoy the home learning pack

Here's to another great week.

Julia, Suzanne, Helen, Karen, Colleen, Sharon, Zoe and Chloe

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