Sunday 24 September 2017

Harvest week

Image result for harvest

Hello everyone,

Once again thank you to all the parents that attend the information morning on Tuesday. If you were unable to attend please read the previous blog. 

Last week we enjoyed visiting the school orchard with our buckets and collecting pears. We talked about what else we could see at the orchard. The children found some lovely pears along with some bad pears. We talked about the differences. We bought our pears back to preschool in preparation for cooking this week. Some of us wanted to draw pictures of our trip to the orchard. These are up on the wall in classroom We also did some pear threading using a needle and wool. The children were brilliant at threading on the cut out pears. We have also been playing a sounds lotto game called crash bang wallop and the children really enjoyed recognising the different sounds in our environment and wanted to play more games of this. On Tuesday afternoon we went out on a drumstick sounds walk. We used plastic piping as drum sticks and went outside to find the different sounds we could make with our sticks on different objects around the school grounds. We have gone to soft play this week when the weather has not been so good. On Thursday afternoon we made an obstacle course in the school hall. We enjoyed moving in different ways including jumping, sliding etc.  We have been learning a harvest poem to say at the Harvest festival this week with the Reception class. 

This week we are going to be cooking with our pear harvest from the school orchard. We will continue with our harvest poem along with the story of Farmer Duck, Oliver's Vegetables and Superpotato. For snack time we will be having lots of different snacks which we harvest e.g. cereal, popcorn, apples, pears, carrots, bread and will be talking about where they come from. 
We will be making a Scarecrow and thinking about what we will need to make one. This will be on display at the harvest celebrations. We will be creating our own harvest artwork for the display at school. Here is just some of the things we will be doing plus lots more using the children's interest. 

Letters and Sounds

This week we will be giving others a set of clues to guess an animal along with using our voice to make slow/fast quiet/loud and long/short sounds.

Jennie Jigsaw

This week we will be talking about kind hands and kind words. Remembering how important these things are when playing with friends. We will be making our own poster using our handprint for this.

Home learning 

Can you find or make a picture, object or something which reminds you of Harvest?


On Wednesday will be our first stay and play session. This is an opportunity to come to preschool early and have a play, looking at the display and talk to the preschool team. The door opens at 8.30am and finishes about 9.00am. Younger and older siblings very welcome to come to. Look forward to seeing lots of you there. 

On Friday 29th September we will be going the school with their harvest assembly. Pre-school and Reception  will be sharing our harvest poem with all the parents. You are very welcome to come. This is at 9.15am in the main school hall.

On Saturday 30th September from 1.00-4.00pm there is a community make over day at the Roundhouse. If you would like to volunteer with helping to clear or tidy the roundhouse area. Please come and ask for more information. 

On Tuesday 17th October is an The Prince of Wales School open day for children starting school in September 18. There will be a tour of the school and a Parent question and answer session. To book a place please ring the school or email 

If anyone has some empty spare jam jars please bring them in. We will be most grateful. This is for our Autumn Fest. Please see poster on the Prince of Wales school Facebook page. 

Any questions please do come and speak to the preschool team. 

Julia and Preschool team 

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