Sunday 19 February 2017


Hello everyone,

We hope you all had a wonderful half term. We are looking forward to hearing the children news about their half term. 

This week are are going to be learning about Fairtrade. It is Fairtrade fortnight and as a school we are taking part. We will be learning about what is fair trade through an early years film about Pablo the super-banana along with some other stories. We will trying a range of different fruits during snack time which have the fair trade symbol on. We will be baking a recipe using Fairtrade ingredients and looking at where different foods come from along with lots of other activities.

Jennie Jigsaw-

This half term Jennie will be talking to us about how we can keep our bodies healthy. This week we will be naming the different parts of our bodies and whats happens when we exercise. We will be playing lots of games in the hall along with Head shoulders knees and toes.

Home learning:-

Can you find a product with the Fairtrade symbol and bring it into Pre-school for our display?


Don't forget it is parents evening Monday 20th and Tuesday 21st February. Please do come and see me if you would like to make another date and time which is suitable.

Stay and play is on Friday 24th February starting from 8.30 onwards till about 9.00ish. It would be lovely to see you there.

Next week is our trip to library, Please return permission slips if you have not already done so. 

Any questions please come and see the preschool team. 

Have a great week.

Julia and the preschool team

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