Sunday 26 February 2017

Our favourite books

Hello everyone,

Last week we learnt all about Fairtrade. We watched a video called Pablo the banana, He talked about where bananas come from and how they are grown. He then talked about what Fairtrade was. The children really enjoyed this video. We read the story of Charlie and Lola and Fairtrade chocolate along with Handa's Surprise. By the end of the week the children were able to recognise the Fairtrade logo and the meaning of Fairtrade. We made our own Fairtrade logo in classroom 2 and displayed all the items with the Fairtrade logo on which we have found at home. The children talked about what we could make using bananas and then voted on which one to make. Banana cookies had the most votes so the children made these use as many Fairtrade ingredients as possible. At snack time we have been trying different fruits including Sharon fruit, pineapple, Mango, strawberries, special oranges. It was lovely to see the children try a new fruit.
We made a tally with our favourite fruits and then used purple mash on the computer to make a graph. The children had a go at writing the numerals and we talked about the most and least favourite fruit. On Monday the children talked about what they did at half term in small groups and then drew a picture of what they did. This are on display in classroom 1. During Jennie Jigsaw time we labelled our body parts and sang head, shoulders, knees and toes. Afterwards we played games in the hall and then observed what happened to our bodies after exercise.

This week we have got a busy week with lots of lovely ideas planned. On Monday we will be preparing for our trip to library with starting of with the story of Lulu goes to the Library.
On Tuesday it is pancake day which will be celebrating. We will be having pancakes for snack with a variety of fillings. We will be learning how to make pancakes and sequencing the instructions of how to make them. We will be listening to the story of Mr wolfs pancakes along with the cd of story and games. Outside we will be having pancake races and using vocabulary of 1st,2nd and 3rd. The children will be designing their own pancake with their favourite filling.
On Wednesday and Thursday morning we will be having our trip to the library. We will be going on the bus to the library. After the library will be recalling our trip to the library and sharing the books we choose with each other.
Also on Thursday it is World book day, so we will be doing lots of fun activities around this.
Throughout the week we will be looking at story settings, events and characters, being aware of how stories are structured, suggest how the story might end and joining in with repeated refrains and rhymes.

Jennie Jigsaw: We will be continuing our theme of Healthy bodies. We will be playing lots of fun games and obstacle courses in the hall.

Letters and sounds:- Join in with repeated refrains and thinking of words beginning with different letters.

Home learning: Can you bring in a picture of a place you would enjoy reading books? It can be inside or outside and as imaginative as you would like . If you have favourite book you would like to share with your friends please do bring it in and we will read it. On a piece of paper you may like to write down one of your family's favourite book.


It was lovely to see so many parents at parents evening this week, if you would like to come and see me please let me know and we will sort a convenient time  to meet to discuss your child's progress.

Stay and Play is on Wednesday 1st March starting from 8.30am till 9.00am ish. Please do come along.

On Wednesday and Thursday morning it is our trip to the library. We will be going on the bus.

On Thursday it is World Book Day, so children can come to preschool dressed as a book character.

Have great week


Julia and Preschool team

Sunday 19 February 2017


Hello everyone,

We hope you all had a wonderful half term. We are looking forward to hearing the children news about their half term. 

This week are are going to be learning about Fairtrade. It is Fairtrade fortnight and as a school we are taking part. We will be learning about what is fair trade through an early years film about Pablo the super-banana along with some other stories. We will trying a range of different fruits during snack time which have the fair trade symbol on. We will be baking a recipe using Fairtrade ingredients and looking at where different foods come from along with lots of other activities.

Jennie Jigsaw-

This half term Jennie will be talking to us about how we can keep our bodies healthy. This week we will be naming the different parts of our bodies and whats happens when we exercise. We will be playing lots of games in the hall along with Head shoulders knees and toes.

Home learning:-

Can you find a product with the Fairtrade symbol and bring it into Pre-school for our display?


Don't forget it is parents evening Monday 20th and Tuesday 21st February. Please do come and see me if you would like to make another date and time which is suitable.

Stay and play is on Friday 24th February starting from 8.30 onwards till about 9.00ish. It would be lovely to see you there.

Next week is our trip to library, Please return permission slips if you have not already done so. 

Any questions please come and see the preschool team. 

Have a great week.

Julia and the preschool team

Sunday 12 February 2017

Fair Trade Fortnight...

Hello everyone,

I hope you are all having a fantastic half term. When we come back to Pre-school next week we are going to be looking at Fairtrade as it is Fairtrade fortnight. Over the holidays see if you can find a product with the Fairtrade logo on and bring it into Pre-school when we come back next week.

I will be writing a more detailed blog on Sunday about what we are doing next week and notices.

Happy Half Term

Julia and Pre-school team