Sunday 20 March 2016


20th March.
We had such a good week last week. It was great to see the children exploring and enjoying their learning in their own way, for example making space rockets, making bird posters, using different collage materials to make bird pictures, enjoying outside play with balloons and collecting sticks and twigs for our Easter crafts.
And now the last week of the spring term is upon us !
We have a busy week ahead finishing our Easter crafts before the end of the week.
The children will also have the opportunity to create their own Easter cards from their own design.,
They will be sorting and matching and counting in groups using Easter resources such as little rabbits, chicks and eggs.
Singing 'hot cross buns' and 'five currant buns' and taking part in Easter egg hunts.

No swimming Tuesday morning.

Happy Easter everyone! Enjoy the holidays, and we return on 11th April.

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