Hello everyone,
We hope you have all had a wonderful weekend. It was amazing to welcome the children back last week into Pre-school. They have settled really well back into pre-school and it has been lovely to see all their smiley happy faces. It has been lovely to see the progress everyone has made in their learning.
We have enjoyed learning all about beans this week and will be continuing with this theme next week as well.
Here is each groups news of our learning throughout the week.
Group D
Monday- We enjoyed getting to know our new friends and settling in to our new play room. We went to forest school and read the storey, Jack and the Beanstalk. We then went on a beanstalk hunt.
Tuesday - We began making our spiral beanstalks. We enjoyed time on the field playing games such as, magic beans, duck duck goose, and the grand old duke of york up the bank.
Wednesday - We enjoyed planting our beanstalks and drawing our castles for our plant pots. We had beans on toast for snack. We loved spending time at the play trail.
Thursday - We had PE with Mr Trebble, the children listen so well and enjoyed learning how to jump over hurdles. The children decided that they wanted to build dens, so we went to forest school to do this and we ended up finding a bear!!
Friday - We had fun making and wearing giant feet. The children experimented how they could move and dance with enormous feet. We also played rugby on the field and practiced our football skills. We enjoyed exploring the nature garden and found some pond skaters in the pond.
We had such a lovely first week back!!
Next week we are going to plant some beans without soil. We are going to make a giant out of leaves and other items that the children can find. We may even find the giants golden egg! We will have lots more time outside around the school grounds!
Group B
We have really enjoyed listening to the story of Jack and the beanstalk and Jasper's beanstalk. We made our own beanstalks using leaves and felt tips. We also enjoyed drawing around ourselves to make ourselves in to giants. We use paint and pens to decorate our giants. We have planted magic beans and made a castle for our bean to grow towards. We will be watching these grow and watering them regularly. We really enjoyed having beans on toast for snack and Suki taught us a knew song about beans. We also liked playing the game Beans in our outdoor space. Can you play this at home? We made up our own bean names and actions to do. We have enjoyed playing outside and playing with the bubbles. On Tuesday afternoon we enjoyed acting out the story of Jack and the beanstalk using the tree house and we adapted our story by using different characters. In the morning we went up to the roundhouse area and threaded flowers through our heart shaped cardboard. On Wednesday afternoon we had Mr Treble and we got to play some ball games. On Thursday afternoon we made fruit smoothies after playing the knicker blocker glory game. They tasted very yummy. On Monday and Friday we have really enjoyed playing hide and seek outside. Also we played What's the time Mr Wolf. We enjoyed talking to Oliver and Albert using Goggle meet and talking about what we had been doing.
Next week we are going to be planting some beans without soil so we can watch the roots and how the seed grows. We are going to be going on a golden egg hunt and making our own golden eggs. We will be trying some different green beans for snack and lots more fun things throughout the week.
Group C
This week we have...
Started our beanstalk display with a giant beanstalk, golden eggs, hens, giants and castles.
Planted beans in pots and bags to watch grow and talked about what they need to grow.
Rhymed words Jack, bean, egg, hen etc
Sang bean songs.
Read Jack and the Beanstalk and an alternative and discussed the differences we could spot.
Chatted to Henrietta the hedgehog about our feelings.
Started watching Jack and the Beanstalk.
Described what we had in our lunchboxes for the others to guess what it is.
Counted magic beans and matched them to numbers.
Chalked giant beanstalks and found the longest and shortest.
Visited forest schools for sticks and leaves to add to our beanstalk and discovered some caterpillars on threads!
Lots of outside play
If you are not at Pre-School I will be continuing to catch up with you throughout the week but please do email if we can help with anything. We are now in school 5 days a week so just give us a call and we will get back to you.
I hope you all enjoy your packs which were delivered at the end of last week please send us any picture of your home learning.
Caroline is working on the new invoices credits/refunds and hopefully next week these will be sent home. We will do our best to issue refunds as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.
Here's to another great week.
Julia, Emma, Helen, Karen, Colleen, Sharon, Zoe and Chloe
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