Hello everyone,
We hope you have all had a great Bonfire weekend despite the rain. Last week we enjoyed sharing lots of pumpkin stories including Pumpkin soup by Helen Copper. This was great a book about a group of animals working together to make pumpkin soups and to share the roles in making pumpkin soup.
On Tuesday morning we made our own pumpkin soup by practicing the skill of using a knife to cut up the vegetables. We then used a blender and ate our pumpkin soup for snack in the afternoon. On Tuesday afternoon we did a pumpkin science experiment which involved using a pumpkin, bicarbonate of soda, food colouring and vinegar. We predicted what might happen when we mix the ingredients together in the pumpkin and then watched what happened. Can you child explain to you what happened? On Wednesday we had PE with Colleen and Lauren and we played did lots of balancing and jumping of an object and landing on two feet. A group of children visited the care home to have a sing song and stories along with eating some very yummy lemon drizzle cakes.
On Wednesday afternoon we did some threading using a pumpkin template, wool and a needle. It develop our pincer grip and threading in and out and back to front.
On Thursday morning we coloured in pumpkins using Purple Mash on the computer and we did an obstacle course in the hall. In the afternoon we all put our wet weather gear on and went had splashed in all the puddles. It was great fun.
On Friday we had bonfire snack in the forest school area. We had hotdogs for snack. We then toasted marshmallows on the camp fire and had S'mores. They were very yummy. We also sang songs around the camp fire with hot chocolate. On Friday afternoon we had basket ball with Coach Luca and practiced our shooting skills.
Throughout the week we have been busy constructing with Stickle brick, Monster Duplo and magentic shapes. Our finger frenzy this week has been using the hammers to bang golf tee's into the pumpkins. We have been mark making whiteboards with whiteboard pens. Some of us mades faces using circles, lines and writing numerals and representing numerals. Also we wrote some letters. On the number table this week we have been matching numeral to quantity . In the water tray we have been busy exploring pumpkins and the inside of pumpkins with magnifying glasses, tweezers, spoons and knives. In Our role play are we have been playing with the woodland and campfire scene along with the tent. At the playdough table we have been making witches cakes with worms and spiders and googly eyes along with pumpkins.
Here are some photos of the week....
This week we are going to be exploring fireworks and have lots of activities to support our learning including a science experiment to make edible sparklers, exploring mixing colours and different techniques to make firework pictures, Autumn and firework songs and lots more.
Can you bring in some photos of your adventures at half term to share at group time?
Can you make a den at home and share a story inside your den?
Can you lay the table for dinner and work out how many plates, bowels and forks and spoons needed?
Stay and play morning sessions are now posted next to our door on the window. It would be great to see you. These run once a week on a different morning each week from 8.30am-9.00am. We also have one every half term on a Saturday. This week stay and play is on Friday morning at 8.30-9.00am
Damers First School open morning is on Thursday 9th November at 1.30pm. No booking required.
Applying for Reception Place to start in September 2024
You can apply for a reception place from 1 September 2024.
The closing date for applications is 15 January 2024.
To order uniform for Pre-school please see link below. We also have some second hand uniform available.
DEP School wear shop
W: https://www.dorsetprintwear.com/the-prince-of-wales-school
T: 01305 750292
E: sales@dorsetprintwear.co.uk
Please bring any WOW's for our WOW board you have and if you need some WOW slips, please ask a member of staff.
Please do come and see myself or a member of team if you have any questions.
On Wednesday 8th November is a POWSA meeting in the staff room at 7.30pm, everyone very welcome. If you would like any information please come and see Julia.
Future POWSA Events
Here's to an exciting and amazing week.
Julia, Colleen, Sharon and Lauren
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