Hello everyone,
Wow, what a great week we had visiting Africa. On Monday we boarded the plane with our passports and flew all the way to Africa. We met our special visitor there (Ruby's Dad Jack) Jack took us on a safari with our very own maps with stickers through the country of Africa. We learnt about the animals, language and culture in Africa. On the drawing table we had the African flag to paint using corks. In the afternoon we made our own African mask using lots of colours and dots to paint. We looked at some African masks. On Tuesday morning we had a very special delivery left for us at the pre-school door. All the children went to the main entrance to find a big box had been delivered. We worked as a team to bring the box down to the classroom. We heard an animal noise in the box. When we opened the box we found we had a giraffe in there. We named him Gerald and did some drawings of him and thought of some questions to ask his family. Also in the morning outside we made Gerald the giraffe a home using the construction materials. We collected leaves and a bucket of water for him. At group time we enjoyed looking at some photos of Africa which Wren bought in. On Tuesday afternoon we took a walk to the school roundhouse and talked about how some African people live in these and how it different to our homes. On the way back we collected the materials to make our own roundhouses.
On Wednesday morning we listened to the story of Handa's Surprise. For snack we had all the fruit to taste which Handa had in her basket. In the afternoon we made roundhouses out of mud, straw, water, sticks. It was great fun. Outside in the afternoon we had our own safari with animals hidden all around the outside environment and we made our own binoculars and safari hats to look for the animals. On Thursday morning we played a game of guess the safari animal using the clues. In the afternoon we went to Reception and had an explore. On Friday morning we made our own favourite fruit tally chart. Throughout the week we have enjoyed painting different animals from Africa, playing with all the soft cuddly safari animals, mark making with paint the animal footprints.
Also during the week we have been making our door pots pretty with primroses, looking after the animals, swimming, PE with Mr Treble, obstacle course. On Friday morning we had great fun with making bubbles outside and using brushes with bubbles.
This week we start the week on Monday with a focus on NSPCC ‘Pants Day’ We will meet Pantosaurus who teaches us how to stay safe and we will sing along to the Pantosaurus song. From Tuesday we will be exploring the Philippines and India for the rest of the week. We are going to be looking at patterns, colour, spices, elephants, food and lots more. Here to another very exciting week of travelling!!
Home learning
Can you bring in something you have made or have which is about the Philippines and Indian Culture?
Letters and sounds:-
We have nearly finished learning all the picture names of the Read Write Inc cards. We will continue to learn the last of Read Write Inc Pictures. We have been doing lots of games with Fred frog which involves oral blending and segmenting We will have also been doing some alliteration. We have been thinking of words beginning with different sounds.
Don't forget to bring in your child's WOW moments. We love to share and celebrate these with everyone. There are spare WOW's by the WOW board in the corridor.
On Tuesday 4th February at 5.00pm we have got our story session. Please come and join us.
This week Stay and Play will be on Wednesday 5th February from 8.30-9.00am. Everyone is very welcome including younger and older siblings. Hope to see lots of you there.
This term swimming will take place on a Friday morning. The children swim on a 2 week rota. Swimming will be this week.
On Tuesday 4th February there is a POWSA meeting in the school staff room at 7.30pm. Come and join us and help plan our spring events. Any questions come and ask myself.
I look forward to seeing you all at parents evening. I am very much looking forward to meeting you all again and having the opportunity to share with you how fantastically well your children are doing and the progress they are making!
We break up for half term on Thursday 13th February and return on Monday 24th February.
Please remember to check your Child’s post pocket when you hang up coats in the mornings, all important post will be there.
Heres to another exciting and exploring week.
Julia and Pre-school team
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