Hello everyone,
Last week we started our week of on Monday with a focus on the NSPCC PANTS Day. We went to assembly and met Pantosaurus who shared the important PANTS message. We got to hold up the pants we designed at home in assembly. During the morning we had the opportunity to design our own pants with a variety of craft materials. These are up on display in the classroom. We also listened to the story of Aliens love underpants. We then listened to the NSPCC PANTS song and talk about what PANTS stands for.
On Tuesday we flew off to India. Throughout the week we have enjoyed a variety of Indian snacks including popadoms, nan bread, mango chutney and Raita. On Tuesday we learnt all about Mehndi. We had a go at doing our own henna patterns on a hand we drew round on orange paper. On Wednesday morning Sunny bought in some Indian clothes which we enjoyed sharing at group time. Also on Wednesday at group time we read a story all about Diwali and how Diwali is celebrated. We talked about the colourful patterns they make. We went outside and had a go a making some of the patterns using chalks. We also made sparklers out of sticks with glitter and gold paper and had a go at using our homemade sparkers to make draw in the air. We had PE with Mr Treble and we used some apparatus to climb through, over and under and balancing along the beam.
On Wednesday afternoon we had a go at making our own little pots out of salt dough. On Monday and Wednesday afternoon a group of children went over to Reception for an explore. On Thursday afternoon we enjoyed reading the story of Elmer and then had a go drawing our own Elmer in chalk outside. We have enjoyed mark making in Indian spices this week. On Thursday afternoon we had an explore of the school grounds and enjoyed using the playtrail and trim trail. We also had great fun making up our imaginative games like campfires. On Friday afternoon we had great fun making dens outside.
This week we have got a very exciting surprise week. We have got lots of fun, exciting and exploring activities to do this week. We will be visiting school throughout the week to take part in a variety of activities. On Thursday we are going to be making our own surprise lunch so no pack lunches will be needed. If your child attend on Monday, please come to pre-school for 8.50am. I will give an update of our surprise tomorrow evening.
Home learning
Over half term can you go a number hunt? Can you make a poster of all the numbers you can find?
Letters and sounds:-
We have nearly finished learning all the picture names of the Read Write Inc cards. We will continue to learn the last of Read Write Inc Pictures. We have been doing lots of games with Fred frog which involves oral blending and segmenting We will have also been doing some alliteration. We have been thinking of words beginning with different sounds.
Please remember to check your Child’s post pocket when you come in the mornings.
It was lovely to see you at Parents evening to share your child's learning. If you were unable to parent evening, please do come and see me to arrange a suitable time and date.
On Wednesday at 3.10pm we have got our story session. Please come and join us.
This week Stay and Play will be on Thursday 13th February from 8.30-9.00am. Everyone is very welcome including younger and older siblings. Hope to see lots of you there.
On Thursday the children do not need to bring in a packed lunch as we will be making our own lunch surprise.
Our next Saturday Stay and Play is on Saturday 14th March from 10.-11.30. Hope to see lots of you there.
On Saturday 15th February we have a community make over day from 10.00-5.00pm. All very welcome, please come and join us. If you have any questions please come ask Julia.
We break up for half term on Thursday 13th February and return on Monday 24th February.
We hope you have a lovely half term and that the weather is kind to us all. We look forward to greeting you back after a little break.
Here's to a very exciting and fun week.
Julia and Pre-school Team
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