Hello everyone,
Last week we had a great week exploring China and celebrating Chinese New Year. On Monday we went on an aeroplane to China. We checked in with our passports and got a stamp. Throughout the week we enjoyed listening to some stories and poems about Chinese New Year. On Wednesday morning William's mum came in to visit us and talked about her time in Hong Kong. We also learnt to speak some Chinese words. We looked at a children's Chinese outfit, pictures of Hong Kong, A story about a little girl in Hong Kong and a Chinese game they play. On Thursday morning Zoe's mum's friend came in to talk about where he lived in Beijing. We looked at maps, pictures, Chinese food and culture. He also showed us how to do do Chinese writing and he wrote all our names in Chinese to bring home.
On Thursday and Friday afternoon we made a lucky pocket to bring home. This is a traditional in Chinese New Year which we found out in our poem. We decorated our wallets with Chinese writing and we wrote a wish to go inside.
Throughout the week we tried lots of different foods including stir fry, noodles, prawn crackers, fortune cookies, lychee's, spring rolls, Chinese tea and egg fried rice. We even had a go at using chopsticks at snack time.
On Tuesday morning Wren bought in a Chinese pot with tea inside. The tea was in a sphere shape and we had a go at predicting what would happen when we put it in hot water. We had lots of great predictions. We found out the sphere shaped opened up into a flower in the hot water. We enjoyed using the magnifying glasses to look at it.
On Tuesday and Wednesday we had made some dragon puppets. We watched a video of dragon dancing to celebrate Chinese New Year. They also used drums and symbols for musical instruments. On Wednesday afternoon we did our own dragon dance with our puppets and played the drums and symbols in the hall.
We have also been making lanterns and praticing our scissors skills. We learnt that the streets in China are decorated with lanterns.
We enjoyed looking at the Chinese flag and making our own flag and having a go at using black paint to do Chinese writing. In the role play area we have enjoyed playing Chinese restaurant.
On Tuesday afternoon we also made the Great Wall of China outside using the crates and wood planks.
Throughout the week we have enjoyed playing outside, looking after the pre-school animals and challenging our learning with a variety of activities inside.
This week we are going to be flying off to Africa for the week. We have got a special visitor coming on Monday to talk about Africa. We are going to be exploring the safari and the animals which live there. We are also going to be making some African jewellery. We will be sharing the story of Handa's Surprise and trying out all the different fruits. We will be looking at the houses they live in and compare them to our houses. Also looking at some African musical instruments and making some of our own. We we be lots of learning outside this week too. It's going to be another brilliant and exciting adventure this week. If you have any African resources you would like to share, please do bring them in.
Home learning
Can you bring in something you have made or have which is about the African Culture?
Letters and sounds:-
We have nearly finished learning all the picture names of the Read Write Inc cards. We will continue to learn the last of Read Write Inc Pictures. We have been doing lots of games with Fred frog which involves oral blending and segmenting We will have also been doing some alliteration. We have been thinking of words beginning with different sounds.
Don't forget to bring in your child's WOW moments. We love to share and celebrate these with everyone. There are spare WOW's by the WOW board in the corridor.
On Friday 31st January at 5.00pm we have got our story session. Please come and join us.
This week Stay and Play will be on Friday 31st January from 8.30-9.00am. Everyone is very welcome including younger and older siblings. Hope to see lots of you there.
This term swimming will take place on a Friday morning. The children swim on a 2 week rota. Swimming will be this week.
On Friday 31st January we have POWSA bingo for the family in the Main school hall from 5.30pm and eyes down at 6.00pm. This is a great fun family evening out.
On Tuesday 4th February there is a POWSA meeting in the school staff room at 7.30pm. Come and join us and help plan our spring events. Any questions come and ask myself.
The sign up sheets are up in the corridor for parents evening. If these times and dates are not convenient, please come and see me to arrange a different date and time.
Please remember to check your Child’s post pocket when you hang up coats in the mornings, all important post will be there.
Heres to another exciting and exploring week.
Julia and Pre-school team
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