Hello everyone,
Hope you all had a wonderful half term, looking forward to hearing all about the children's adventures and news this week.
This half term we will be exploring and learning about the seaside. This week we are going to be doing pirates as its of children have been showing an interest in treasure maps and Bertie bought in a pirate story. We are going to be sharing lots of pirate stories and songs throughout the week. We will be looking at maps and the information they give us. Following on from this we will be making our own treasure maps using tea.We will also be making some telescopes and using different transparent colours to see what happens. Outside we will be using planks of wood to balance along and making boats using crates. Throughout the week we will be going on some pirate adventures by making up our own pirate stories.
Home learning
Can you bring in a map of somewhere you went in the holidays? It could be a map of an attraction you visited e.g. Farmer Palmers.
Have you got a pirate story you would like to share at group time?
We will continue with our rhyming door by adding new rhyming words and playing rhyming games. We will continue to revisit the Read Write Inc Pictures and lots of FRED talk activities We will also continue with some alliteration by playing I spy. Julia's group have been learning the sound m, a, s, d, t, I n, p, g, o, c ,k . Karen's group will be learning the sound m, a, s, d, t this week. Helen's group will be learning the sound m, a, s, d, t, i this week.
Please remember to check your Child’s post pocket when you hang up coats in the mornings, all important post will be there.
Don't forget to bring in your child's WOW moments. We love to share and celebrate these with everyone. There are spare WOW's by the WOW board in the corridor.
As the weather is starting to get warm, please could all children bring sun hats to school. We do have a box of spares if needed. If you have applied suncream to your child before school please could you let a member of staff know. If you have ticked to supply your own suncream, please could you make sure children have this when they come to Pre-school ready for us to apply
It was lovely to see some of you at Stay and Play on Wednesday This week Stay and Play will be on Thursday 6th May from 8.30-9.00am. Everyone is very welcome including younger and older siblings. Hope to see lots of you there.
On Friday 7th June we have our story time at 5.00pm. Please come and join us. Everyone is very welcome including younger and older siblings. Hope to see lots of you there.
On Tuesday 4th June POWSA meeting in the staff room at 7.30pm. All welcome. If you would like anymore information, please come and see Julia.
The children who are attending the Prince of Wales School in September will begin their Tuesday transition afternoons. If you have any questions about these afternoons please come and see Julia. If your child does not normally attend on a Tuesday, please bring them to pre-school for 1.00pm for their transition days.
On Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th June 9-5pm we are having a pre-school community make over weekend. We are going to be moving the sheds and painting and treating the sheds, tree house etc. We are also going to be having a good tidy of the whole pre-school outside space. From the sponsored bike and scooter ride we are purchasing some fantastic resources to enhance our children's learning. we would welcome any support, however big or small on these days- even if only for one hour!
On Thursday 13th June 2019 we have got the Happy Circus coming to school for an evening circus performance. Tickets can be purchased now at a great price of £10.50 each. Tickets can be purchased from the Main school office.
Our swimming day this term will be Friday. Each child who attends on a Friday morning session will get to swim every other week. Please check letter for your child's date for swimming.
Please bring in kitchen roll tubes for telescope making!!
Here's to a great first week.
Julia and Pre-school team
Ah, so now I know what the telescope & binoculars our Granddaughter made at pre-school might have been for. Or perhaps it was her brother’s class at the POWFS learning project on pirates recently? They both visit the seaside often & find all sorts of treasures on the seashore. When she next visits us, we must remember to let her look through our binoculars & show her the large map of Poole Harbour hanging in our home.
ReplyDeleteWhat an interesting week you have planned with the transition children spending Tuesday afternoon at the school next door with their new teacher. Thanks to the wonderful experiences they have had these last 2 years with you & your team, they are now almost ready for the next step change.
Have a great week.