Hello everyone,
Last week we began our week talking in small groups about what we got up to in the snow. We talked about the pictures we bought in from home. We made some snowy day pictures and painting. We also played in the flour with polar bears, penguins, blocks, cars and people. We then read they story of 'My Mum'. We talked about what was special about our mum's. We hope you all enjoyed your breakfast cereal and threading. The children really enjoyed making the cereal. They used knives and scissors to cut up the dried fruit and used spoons to spoon it into the bags. The children were fantastic at threading the hearts and flowers onto wool using a needle. The children all had a go at writing their names onto the tags.
On Wednesday we had a surprise inside an egg box. We had some eggs which needed to go into the special machine (the incubator). We talked about an incubator is and what is does. We then read the story of egg to chick. We found out what happens at each stage inside the egg and how the chick is born. We are very excited for our chicks to hatch on the last week of term. It takes 21 days for the eggs to hatch. The children have drawn some pictures of the eggs in the incubator.
On Thursday afternoon we went up to the school pond in the nature area. We had a lovely surprise of Frog spawn. We bought some back to our classroom to go into a tank so we can watch it turn into tadpoles. We read some stories about the frog cycle. The children have been using magnifying glasses to look at the frog spawn and have drawn some pictures of it.
On Monday when we came into school we had a leak in the classroom. On Wednesday we were able to go back into the classroom. Julia pretended that someone had changed our book corner around and we had some police tape up. We wore policemen hats and recorded on our crime reports what we thought had happened and who might had done it. The children really enjoyed this and came up with some fantastic ideas.
On Friday morning we went to the Year 4 assembly. The children enjoyed watching the Year 4 children acting out a story of Macbeth. In the afternoon we played number and letter bingo which the children really enjoyed doing and wanted to keep playing.
This week we will be continuing to talk about Spring and about the changes from Winter to Spring e.g. frogs, chicks, plant growing, leaves on the trees and weather etc.
We will be sharing lots of Spring stories and poems. We will also be learning how to separate 3 or 4 objects into different groups realising the total is still the same. We will doing this with lots of different objects.
We will be continuing to add to our learning wall. Please have a look, it is by the interactive whiteboard. The children will be doing this with their key worker. There is some lovely learning, ideas of new learning and what they have enjoyed doing.
Jennie Jigsaw
Healthy bodies-looking after ourselves.
Letters and Sounds:
On Tuesday 13th March at 9.00am in the Pre-school hall, I will be holding a coffee and information session on ICT at home. I will be sharing some top tips for E-safety and some resources which can be used at home. Also giving you the Login details for Purple Mash to use at home.
Clapping sounds
Think of words using the letters ‘s, a, t, p, i, n’ (e.g. sat, pin, nip, pat, tap, pit, pip) and sound them out, clapping each phoneme with the children in unison, then blend the phonemes to make the whole word orally.
Think of words using the letters ‘s, a, t, p, i, n’ (e.g. sat, pin, nip, pat, tap, pit, pip) and sound them out, clapping each phoneme with the children in unison, then blend the phonemes to make the whole word orally.
Home learning
Can you find some different numerals in your environment and bring at picture of them into school?
On Tuesday 13th March at 9.00am in the Pre-school hall, I will be holding a coffee and information session on ICT at home. I will be sharing some top tips for E-safety and some resources which can be used at home. Also giving you the Login details for Purple Mash to use at home.
It was lovely to see some of you at Stay and Play on Thursday. This week Stay and Play will be on Friday 16th March from 8.30-9.00am. Everyone is very welcome including younger and older siblings. Hope to see lots of you there.
ON Thursday 22nd March the children who did not go to the library due to the snow will be visiting the library on this morning. A letter has gone home to confirm this.
ON Thursday 22nd March the children who did not go to the library due to the snow will be visiting the library on this morning. A letter has gone home to confirm this.
It was lovely to see some of our families at Bingo on Friday night. Thank you for the donations of cakes for the refreshments. The total raised was £320.00.
On Tuesday 13th March at 7.30pm in the main school staff room POWSA are having a meeting about future fund raising events. If you would like to get involved, please do come along. If you have any questions come and see Julia.
Due to the weather this weekend we decided to cancel our garden makeover afternoon. We will put up a new date very soon.
On Friday 23rd March, POWSA have organised a film night. Tickets will be able to buy from the school office soon. Look out for more information.
Julia and Pre-school team
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