Hello everyone,
Hope you had fun in the snow on Sunday. We look forward to hearing all about it.
Last week we talked about Spring and the changes which are taking place. We shared some Spring stories and poems. Isaac bought in a lovely poem and story book for different times during the year. We shared the Spring poems. Our learning wall is looking fantastic, these are displayed by the interactive whiteboard. We having be using different objects to explore the context of separating 3 or 4 objects and realising the total is still the same. At register the children have been representing how many children are here today by mark making the numeral. The children have enjoyed exploring the green slime with the frogs. On Friday afternoon we predicted what would happen when we added some salt to the slime. On Thursday morning we went over to the school hall and used the gym apparatus. We did lots of climbing, balancing and jumping off objects. The children really enjoyed this and enjoyed showing us what they could do. The adults really enjoyed observing the children's gross motor skills. The children really challenged themselves on different apparatus. On Friday morning we went to Year 1 school assembly. The children enjoyed watching their friends and siblings talk about their learning of space. On Tuesday afternoon the children enjoyed playing number bingo. The children recognised the numeral and then found the matching number of dots. On Thursday afternoon the children asked if we could do some cooking. We made some flapjack to bring home.
We having been marking off our count down till the chicks will hatch. The children have really enjoyed our junk modelling corner making their own models. We have seen some fantastic models which the children have created.
This week we will be talking about Easter. On Monday we will be talking about what we know about Easter and what we would like to find out along with things we might like to do e.g. Easter egg hunt.
On Thursday the children who did not attend the library trip will be going on the bus to the library in Dorchester. We will be sharing lots of Easter stories and poems. We will start our Easter crafts based on the children's ideas.
Jennie Jigsaw
Healthy bodies-looking after ourselves.
Letters and Sounds:
Rhyming soup
Ask a small group to sit in a circle so they can see a selection of rhyming objects (e.g.
rat, hat, cat) placed on the door. Use a bowl and spoon as props to act out the song. Invite the children, in turn, to choose an object to put into the soup and place it in the bowl. After each turn, stir the soup and sing the following song to recite the growing list of things that end up in the soup.
Sing the first part of the song to the tune of ‘Pop Goes the Weasel’:
I’m making lots of silly soup
I’m making soup that’s silly
I’m going to cook it in the fridge
To make it nice and chilly
In goes... a fox... a box... some socks...
Ask a small group to sit in a circle so they can see a selection of rhyming objects (e.g.
rat, hat, cat) placed on the door. Use a bowl and spoon as props to act out the song. Invite the children, in turn, to choose an object to put into the soup and place it in the bowl. After each turn, stir the soup and sing the following song to recite the growing list of things that end up in the soup.
Sing the first part of the song to the tune of ‘Pop Goes the Weasel’:
I’m making lots of silly soup
I’m making soup that’s silly
I’m going to cook it in the fridge
To make it nice and chilly
In goes... a fox... a box... some socks...
Home learning
Can you find some different numerals in your environment and bring at picture of them into school? Maybe you would like to bring some snow pictures or videos in to show your friends from the weekend.
Due to the weather forecast for tonight, please do check the school website, Facebook page and Dorset for You for school updates and closures regarding snow.
Don't forget to bring in your child's WOW moments. We love to share and celebrate these with everyone. There are spare WOW's by the WOW board in the corridor.
It was lovely to see some of you at Stay and Play on Friday. This week Stay and Play will be on Wednesday 21st March from 8.30-9.00am. Everyone is very welcome including younger and older siblings. Hope to see lots of you there.
On Thursday 22nd March the children who did not go to the library due to the snow will be visiting the library on this morning. A letter has gone home to confirm this.
On Thursday 22nd March the children who did not go to the library due to the snow will be visiting the library on this morning. A letter has gone home to confirm this.
On Friday 23rd March, POWSA have organised a film night. Tickets can be bought from the school office.
Julia and Pre-school team
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