Hello everyone,
On Monday we had great fun playing in the snow. We had snow in the water tray with rakes and spades. We observed what happened to the snow over the day. We went outside and made a snow octopus with lots of legs using sticks. we used the diggers and wheelbarrows to transport the snow. We enjoyed throwing snowball at the adults. In the afternoon we used powder paint and predicted what would happen. We observed what happened when Colleen sprinted it on the snow. We made our own snow pictures using paint and other resources.
On Tuesday in small groups we talked about what happens at Easter and Spring. We then talked about what activities they would like to do e.g. Easter egg hunts etc. Their ideas are up on display. We have enjoyed listening to some Easter poems this week. We have continued with our ticking of the days till the eggs hatch. We are all very excited. The children and I candled the eggs to see if there were chicks in them. We should have 3 eggs hatch. On Thursday some of us went to the library on the bus. We had a fantastic time learning all about the library from the librarian Mary. Mary read us a story, showed us around the library and we chose a book to bring back to Pre-school. All the books we choose from the library are in our book corner. On the way back from the library the bus driver took us through town, then through Victoria park, up to Maiden castle and then back to the Pre-school. Along the way the children pointed out lots of shops, houses and places to us. On Wednesday and Thursday afternoon, the children went outside with their clipboards to look at the new chicken run and have a go at drawing what the children will need and may like e.g. house, water, swing. This lovely ideas will be up on display this week.
On Friday we joined in with Sports Relief. We listened to the story of Spinderella. Can the children tell you about the story? We then played ball games and did an obstacle course in the playground. After lunch we joined in with the whole school activities. First we do an exercise workout to music. We then did the daily mile route around the school. The children were fantastic and actively took part in all of it. Afterwards the children enjoyed watching the staff take part in a variety of races. They cheered the pre-school staff on during the space hopper races.
This week we will be continuing with our Easter stories and songs. Hopefully on Tuesday/Wednesday the eggs will be hatching. Look out for the live web cam starting on Monday. The children are very excited. We will be drawing pictures of the chicks, looking after them when they hatch and have a go at holding them if they would like to.
We will be designing Easter egg hunts for other children to do and doing an Easter egg hunt around the pre-school garden. We fill be finishing our Easter craft to bring home. It's going to be an eggciting week.
Jennie Jigsaw
Healthy bodies-looking after ourselves.
Home learning
Can you find some different numerals in your environment over the Easter holidays and bring at picture of them into school? Can you bring in a picture of something you enjoyed doing during the Easter Holidays.
Don't forget to bring in your child's WOW moments. We love to share and celebrate these with everyone. There are spare WOW's by the WOW board in the corridor.
It was lovely to see some of you at Stay and Play on Wednesday. This week Stay and Play will be on Thursday 29th March from 8.30-9.00am. Everyone is very welcome including younger and older siblings. Hope to see lots of you there.
We break up for the Easter holidays on Thursday 29th March and we return on Monday 16th April for the summer term.
We break up for the Easter holidays on Thursday 29th March and we return on Monday 16th April for the summer term.
Julia and Pre-school team