Hello everyone.....
This week we have enjoyed sharing a variety of Elmer and Jungle stories. It was lovely that the children bought books in from home for us to share about our topic.
Throughout the week we have been busy paiting our cermaic elphants using primary colours. We used the technique of dabbing them with a sponge. More information about these elephants will come at a later date.
On Monday morning we had PE in the hall and used the climbing equipment. We are becooming confident at climbing higher and using the equipment in a variety of ways. In the afternoon we went on a colour hunt to find all the colours of Elmer around the preschool building. We also went to Soft play. We used Purple Mash on the computers to create our own Elmers.
On Tuesday morning we had our Kickboxing session which we all really enjoyed. We went on an adventure as monkeys to rescue the bananas. We practiced our stance and guard. We also practiced our ducking and jumping over the laser. In the afternoon we did a Lava lamp science experiment using oil, water and food colouring. Can you child tell you about the experiement?
On Wednesday morning a group of children went to the care home for a sing song, story and cake. We had a lovely time talking to the residents. In the afternoon we had Relax kids. We had a great relaxation session.
On Thursday we had a whole school assembly and got to meet Thomas the Gorilla. We then also had another opportunity if we wanted to, to go and meet Thomas the Gorilla up close. We came back and created some amazing art work using paint of Thomas the Gorilla. We also recalled what we liked from our experience of Thomas. In the afternoon we had a lovely time playing outside.
On Friday we had a lovely time playing outside and playing What's the time Mr wolf along with sticking our art work and photos in our magical achievement books.
Throughout the week we have enjoyed constructing with the zoo waffle, animal wooden blocks and duplo monsters. In the number area we have been linking up the numeral elpehants in order and recognising numerals. We have enjoyed marking making on the elephant outlines. We have also enjoyed using the playdough to cut out jungle animals using a variety of tools and materials including gems, buttons, plastic trees and pom poms. In the small world area we have been busy using the jungle scene with Elmer, elephants and gorrillas. On our finger frenzy table this week we have been using the screwdrivers to srew and unscrew the screws in the wood blocks. In the water tray we have been bathing and caring for the babies.
Throughout the week we have begun to learn the Read Write inc picture names in group time. We have been doing lots of rhyming games and Jungle/Elmer stories. We are all becoming very resilient and independent tortoises. We are great at having a go and keeping on trying.
Some pictures of the week.....
Home learning
Can you tell a family member some words which rhyme?
Can you go on a number hunt? Can you recognise the numerals 1-5
Can you have a go at building a house for the three little pigs using construction at home?
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