Hello everyone.......
We hope you have all had a great weekend.
Last week we really enjoyed listening to farm stories in particular about Harvest at group time. On Monday morning in small groups we went to look at the big green tractor outside school and used lots of vocabulary to describe it. In the afternoon we did some wheel printing with paint and also painted our own pictures of the green tractor. On Tuesday we did some threading using wool and a needle. In the afternoon a group of children visited the school orchard to harvest apples to use in their cooking. We made some apple and raisins muffins which we took to the care home on wednesday to share with our older friends for snack.This supported our fine motor skills and finding out objects and animals which live on a farm. On Wednesday we had PE with Colleen and Lauren and we played lots of games which involved negotiating spaces and moving in different ways. In the afternoon we did an experiment with eggs and hard boiled eggs. We experimented with wrapping the eggs in different materials and dropping them from the climbing frame. We had a go at predicting what might happen and then observing what happened. We also went in small groups to the book sale in the staff room.
On Thursday we did some vegetable printing. We talked about the different types of vegetable and fruits and where they grow e.g under the ground, on a tree etc. In the afternoon we made some bird feeders using lard and sunflower seeds.
On Friday afternoon we went to Maiden Castle Farm and learnt all about harvest on the farm. We looked at the cows, sheep, horses and pigs. We looked at all farm machinery including the combine harvester. We loved stamping in the muddy puddles. We had a snack in the farm classroom. It was an amazing trip and we all had a great time.
Throughout the week we have enjoyed the finger frenzy table with sunflower heads and tweezers. We used the tweezers to pick the sunflower seeds out of the heads. We practiced using the tweezers one hand and with great hand eye coordination. We have enjoyed exploring the plastic fruit and sorting them into colours and groups in the number area. We have been very creative building marble runs and testing them out. We then went on to adapt them to make them bigger. We have been busy mark making using our finger in the flour. We have been exploring the torches with different materials including coloured transparent film. We have been talking about what we have observed shinning the torch through the different materials. We have be constructing with the transparent shapes . On the small world table we have been playing with the allotment scene and sharing our knowledge of growing vegetables. In the playdough we have been playing with the plastic animals and making them homes. We continue to meet Reggie the Resilient Tortoise. He is one of learning powers which encourage us to keep on trying. He enjoys celebrating our resilience with us. Harold the Giraffe has been talking about how we are all special.
Here are some photos of the week....
We are going to continue to explore food, faith and farming. We are going to be sharing lots of stories about this topic at group time. We will be cooking some yummy foods using eggs from the chickens and apples from the school orchard. At snack time we will have a variety of foods to eat and will be talking about where each of the foods come. Along with lots of other activities to support our learning.
Home learning:
Can you have a go at putting your own shoes and socks on this week?
Can you play a game to help you recognise your own name?
Can you cook something which comes from eggs? Can you name the different parts of the egg? Talk about where the different ingredients come from. Using vocab like ingredients, recipe etc
Stay and play morning sessions are now posted next to our door on the window. It would be great to see you. These run once a week on a different morning each week from 8.30am-9.00am. We also have one every half term on a Saturday. This week stay and play is on Thursday morning at 8.30-9.00am.
Dress as a Farmer day is on Friday 6th October.
Prince of Wales School Open morning is on Wednesday 11th October. To reserve your place for this event please email the school office.
Damers First School open morning is on Wednesday 11th October at 10.00am or Thursday 9th November at 1.30pm. No booking required.
Applying for Reception Place to start in September 2024
You can apply for a reception place from 1 September 2024.
The closing date for applications is 15 January 2024.
To order uniform for Pre-school please see link below. We also have some second hand uniform available.
DEP School wear shop
W: https://www.dorsetprintwear.com/the-prince-of-wales-school
T: 01305 750292
E: sales@dorsetprintwear.co.uk
Please bring any WOW's for our WOW board you have and if you need some WOW slips, please ask a member of staff.
POWSA Events-
POWSA AGM is on Wednesday 4th October at 7.00pm in the main school staffroom. Everyone very welcome. If you would like more information please come and speak to Julia.
Autumn Fest tickets on sale now in the main school office.
Please do come and see myself or a member of team if you have any questions.
Here's to an exciting and amazing Shark in the dark week full of fun and adventures.
Julia, Colleen, Sharon and Lauren
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