Hello everyone,
We hope you have all had a fabulous windy sunny weekend.
We have continued to enjoys lots of seaside stories along with some starting school stories to support transition. On Monday we had a fabulous time at the beach. We went to the beach on the coach. When we were at the beach we had great fun throwing pebbles into the sea, making pictures using objects we found, building sandcastles, collecting objects, playing in the stream and building dams. We also enjoyed eating our snack on the beach. On Tuesday we had PE with Mr Treble and we practiced lots of Sports Day team games including the egg and spoon race, sack race, relay race and running race. On Wednesday and Friday afternoon some children who are going to POW in September went over to Reception to have an explore and listen to a virtual story with Mrs Evans. Throughout the week we have been creating some sea creatures out of salt dough. We have also been doing some bubble paitning and next week we will be creating underwater pictures out of our paintings. We have been mark making some of our sounds in the sand. We have made mermaids out of playdough, seashells and gems, We have been decorating the patterns with shells which develop our fine motor skills. We have all really enjoyed the small world camper van and tent and making up stories using them. Throughout the week we have created fish using bubble wrap painting, collaging ice creams and creating star fish.
In our Read write Inc groups with have been learning the following sounds:-
-Can you help with a small job at home e.g. lay the table, tidy up etc?
-Can you bring a seaside story into pre-school to share at group time?
-Can you make a sea creature?
As the weather is starting to warm, please could all children bring sun hats to school. We do have a box of spares if needed. Please apply suncream to your child before school and tick your child's name off on the list which will be on the green table by the pre-school door. If you have ticked to supply your own suncream, please could you make sure either it is in their bags or a spare is kept at pre-school.
Can you use this weblink https://whatimreading.org/ to make a poster of your families favourite book this week? We are going to display them in the window for everyone to see. If you need your poster printing please email it to me.
This week we will continue to send home our play library. If you have one at home please bring it back when you are next in. Please see link for video for information about this. https://www.facebook.com/POWFS/videos/1039096813302955
If anyone hasn't order a teatowel and would like one please hand your slip in on Monday or drop Julia an email. We need 8 more tea towels to be order to be able to put an order in. The company require a minimum of 50 tea towels to be ordered.
On Friday we have our annual school dance day. We welcome you all to come along and join us on the main school field at 2.30pm. Preschool have a danced to show.
This week we have our sponsored bike and scooter days. Each child came home last week with a slip to say which day they need to bring their bike or scooter in. Please could all children bring a helmet as well. The money raised from preschool families for this event will be used to purchased some new pedal bikes for the pre-school children. Any questions please come and ask.
Stay and play is on Friday 1st July from 8.30am. Everyone welcome.
Every Friday after school POWSA are selling ice lollies and choc ices in the main school playground. 50p each.
This Saturday (2nd July) it is the Prince of Wales School summer fair. There will be lot of stalls, games, bbq and bar. At the end of the fair will be the Water fight. Summer fair is 11-3.00pm. See poster for more details.
Your School Lottery are giving you the chance to win a £500 bicycle voucher.