Hello everyone,
We hope you have all had a great weekend despite the heavy down pours of rain.
Last week we enjoyed talking about and learning about our families. We shared the photos of our families at group time and talked about who is in our family. The children really enjoyed this and if they haven't bought a photo in yet, they are very welcome to this week as well.
We have been busy drawing and painting pictures of our families. We have shared a couple of stories about families.
On Monday in the afternoon we made our own static electric butterflies using ballons. By rubbing the balloons on our jumpers or hair made the tissue paper wings on the butterfly move up and down.
For PE with Mr Treble we have now split into two groups and group 1 went this week. We played Pac man using the lines on the playground. We also played jumping onto the different coloured lillypads. We went on the field and played find the cone which was great fun. This week it will be group 2 for PE. In the afternoon on Tuesday we used clay to make our own face on the trees using natural objects like stones, grasss and sticks for eyes, hair etc. We created pre-school family trees. In the afternoon we had great fun looking for bugs and using the magnifying glasses to look at them. We ticked off bugs we found and drew them as well.
On Wednesday we had great fun risk taking and jumping off different heights of crates and landing on two feet. We were amazing at this and loved doing it.
On Thursday we celebrated Eid with Yasmine, Raneen and Hussain's family. Yasmine's mum and brother came into pre-school for the morning and we celebrated Eid by making Eid cookies, Eid cards and watching a Disney Junior short film/song about Eid. It was great fun making the cookies using the special tool to make the pattern on the cookie. In the afternoon we used black eyeliner to make Eid patterns on our hands. We used chalk to draw mosque outside.
On Friday afternoon we had a great time playing on the play trail and the yellow slide. We were amazing and confident at climbing up the ladder to the slide all by ourselves.
Throughout the week we have enjoyed bathing the dolls and taking care of them by washing, dressing them and brushing their teeth. We have also been creating car and balls runs using draining pipes and guttering. We came up with great ideas of how to adapt them and add to the initial idea. We had been creating people and monsters using the popiods.
For the next 2 weeks we are going to be exploring how to keep ourselves safe and healthy. We will be doing a variety of activities this week about healthy food, exercising and the effects of exercising and learning the names of part of bodies.
Home learning Challenge
Can you help with a small job at home? For example setting the table for dinner, tidying up, watering the plants etc

Can you try a new food at home? We would love to hear a new food you have tried.
As the weather is starting to warm, please could all children bring sun hats to school. We do have a box of spares if needed. Please apply suncream to your child before school and tick your child's name off on the list which will be on the green table by the pre-school door. If you have ticked to supply your own suncream, please could you make sure either it is in their bags or a spare is kept at pre-school.
On the whiteboard outside the classroom door is a pocket with Home Wow slips in, please help yourself to these. We love celebrating the children's home WOW'S.
Henry is missing a pre-school jumper which has his name in. Please could we check jumpers.
We are also looking out for Adalynn's LOL sunhat.
We love seeing all the lovely home learning you are all doing so please do email it in to j.nineham@princeofwales.dorset.sch.uk and headteacher@princeofwales.dorset.sch.uk
If you have any questions, please just ask.
Heres to another amazing week of adventures.
Julia,Sharon, Karen, Helen, Suzanne and Colleen
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