Hello everyone,
We hope you are all having a wonderful bank holiday weekend.
Last week we enjoyed sharing the story of Jack and the beanstalk. At snack time we tried green beans and had baked beans on toast. On Monday afternoon we went on a golden egg hunt in the forest school area. On Tuesday afternoon we painted with plants and fruits like raspberries. We had great fun bashing them and exploring colour. On Thursday and Friday afternoon we planted our own magic beans and drew a castle for the bean to grew up too. If you haven't done ones of these yet you will next week. On Friday morning we created our own beanstalk with welly and foot printing. It was great fun. On Friday morning we also created a great game of seeing how far we could jump and pretending the ruler was the beanstalk and then we adapted our game to seeing if we could jump over the castle.
On Tuesday morning we had PE with Mr Treble and we played some games including sleepy pirate, follow my leader, moving in different ways like an animal.
Throughout the week we have enjoyed making castles in the shaving foam, having a game of throwing the beanbags into the hoops. Each hoop had different points. We were amazing at throwing under and over arm and scoring some great points. We used the planks as surfboards and went surfing down the hill and Julia called out big wave, little wave. We threaded beads onto the pipe cleaners and we counted out the magic beans to match the numeral on the beanstalk leaf. We used the small props to recall the story of Jack and the beanstalk.
On Wednesday we extended our play from the week before of car servicing to car washing. We got the buckets, cloths and bubbles out and washed the pre-school bikes. It was great fun. We watched the story of Jack and the beanstalk on the television.
This week we are continuing with the story of Jack and the beanstalk along with the story of Jasper's beanstalk. We will be continuing with planting our beans to bring home, harp threading, bean experiment, leaf art in the sunshine science experiment, collage our enormous welly and foot print beanstalk and more.
Home learning Challenge
At pre-school this week and next week we are planting a magic bean to grow to our castle. The children are bringing these home to look after. It would be great to see some photos when they start growing. Can you look after you're bean?

Can you play your favourite board game?
As the weather is starting to warm, please could all children bring sun hats to school. We do have a box of spares if needed. Please apply suncream to your child before school and tick your child's name off on the list which will be on the green table by the pre-school door. If you have ticked to supply your own suncream, please could you make sure either it is in their bags or a spare is kept at pre-school.
On the whiteboard outside the classroom door is a pocket with Home Wow slips in, please help yourself to these. We love celebrating the children's home WOW'S.
On Wednesday 5th May POWSA are having their monthly meeting at 7.30pm in the main school hall. If you would like any further information, please come and see Julia. Everyone welcome to come along.
Henry is missing a pre-school jumper which has his name in. Please could we check jumpers.
Next term sessions
We sent home a letter about sessions for next term. If you attend this term on a Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday you will be able to have these session as well next term but if you were hoping to book a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday for next term we are full for these days. Please return this as soon as possible. Also please can all outstanding fees be paid.
We love seeing all the lovely home learning you are all doing so please do email it in to j.nineham@princeofwales.dorset.sch.uk and headteacher@princeofwales.dorset.sch.uk
If you have any questions, please just ask.
Heres to another fantastic week of adventures.
Julia, Helen, Karen, Colleen, Karen and Suzanne
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