Hi everyone,
We hope you have all had a good weekend and enjoyed getting out in the fresh air and enjoying some wet muddy walks.
We have enjoyed seeing all your fantatisc home learning you have been sending in. It looks like you have all been having a great time and learning lots. Keep sending all the amazing things you are up to by emailing them to j.nineham@princeofwales.dorset.sch.uk and headteacher@princeofwales.dorset.sch.uk. We really are missing all being together and hope soon we can all be back together again.

Last week we continued with the story of The three little pigs and we also read the story of The three little wolves and the big bad pig. We also enjoyed watching The three little pigs ballet and Mr Tumble telling the story with signs. We used sugar cubes to make a house and then experimented what happens when you put hot water onto the sugar cubes. We made some piggy cupcakes which we took home . The children were excited to eat them. We made our Three little pigs and houses display. We made the different houses out of straw, lollipop sticks and brick wall paper on cardboard houses. We went to the roundhouse and explored what it was made of and acted out the story. We have really enjoyed acting out the story and playing Whats the time Mr Wolf. We made some Piggy snouts using egg boxes.
We had PE with Mr Treble on Tuesday and we did some balancing along different benches we also jumped on the apparatus and landing on two feet. Throughout the week we have really enjoyed playing with the puppet theatre and making up our own stories, constructing with the magnetic lego, playing with the diggers and blocks in the oats.
This week we are going to be exploring shapes with a variety of activities. We will be looking at 2d and some 3d shapes and where we can find them in our environment. Also we are going to be talking about how we can describe the shape e.g. corners, edges, faces, sides, points etc.
Things you might like to do at home this week...
Everyday Mr Spracklen has Good morning POW at 9.30, 11.20 virtual assembly and 4.00pm Evening POW. This can be accessed on Facebook and you tube and is a great way of seeing what everyone is up to. It's really interactive and guarantee to make you smile.
In the home learning packs that have been coming home, we have included the Read Write Inc cards. At the moment we are just learning the picture names through a variety of games like hide and seek, fishing the picture etc.
Have a game of musical Statues:
How to play
o Play fun music to dance to – when the music is stopped everyone freezes.
o Add in elements, e.g. jumping, big movements, dance like a robot, dance like you’re in space, to provide variety to the dancing.
o Add challenges, e.g. when the music stops... freeze in an animal shape, pulling a face, with your hands on your head, etc.
o With more than one child you can add some friendly competition.
Questions to ask
What parts of your body are you using? Are you listening to the music?
How can you freeze without falling over? How can we describe our movements? Are they big/small/fast/slow?
Maths Challenge:-
Can you lay the table for dinner? How many knives, forks and spoons will you need? How many plates and cups?
Make fruit and vegetable prints:-What to do
o Look at your collected foods. Name the fruit/vegetables together. What do they feel like, smell like? Which do we like to eat?
o What do they look like? Think about what they might look like inside, if you cut them in half.
Explore the different ways you can make interesting prints by dipping different parts of the food or slicing in different ways.
o Try different colours and explore making patterns or pictures.
Can you turn your prints into flower, people or animals?
On Wednesday, Thursday, Friday your next home learning pack will be delivered or will come home with your child. It will be based on the story of The Three Little Pigs.
On Wednesday there will be another blog with some interactive links to enjoy and explore.
We love seeing all the lovely home learning you are all doing so please do email it in to j.nineham@princeofwales.dorset.sch.uk and headteacher@princeofwales.dorset.sch.uk
Please always remember you can call or email us anytime if you have a question or need anything.
My email is: j.nineham@princeofwales.dorset.sch.uk
If you are not attending pre-school you will not be charged for your sessions. If you are attending sessions Caroline will send out an invoice for these sessions soon.
Take care, keep smiling and we will look forward to speaking or seeing you soon.
Julia, Karen, Helen, Sharon and Colleen
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