Hello everyone,
We hope you have all had a brillant weekend in the beautiful sunshine.
We have continued to enjoy our seaside theme this week. As it is our last week before the summer holidays we will be choosing all our activities to do throughout the week. We will enjoy spending our final few days celebrating our time together.
We hope you have all had a brillant weekend in the beautiful sunshine.
We have continued to enjoy our seaside theme this week. As it is our last week before the summer holidays we will be choosing all our activities to do throughout the week. We will enjoy spending our final few days celebrating our time together.
We have had a great week in pre-school.
Here is each groups news of our learning throughout the week.
Group B
On Monday we made a treasure map and we cut out some different pirate clues to stick on our map. Great scissors skills. We then use our maps to go on a challenged treasure hunt. We had to complete a number of challenges before we could look for treasure. We walked the plank by balancing along a plank, jumping from hoop to hoop across the sea, balancing and hopping along a line, feeding a shark a ball by throwing into a bucket and then then finding treasure under x mark the spot.
On Tuesday we made bread and then turned our dough into turtles. We had great fun learning how to make bread and how the dough grew in size. We were amazing at kneading and shaping our dough into turtles. We used raisins for eyes. At afternoon snack we enjoyed eating them. We had our half termly fire drill practice in the morning and children were confident in knowing what to do.
On Wednesday we made dinosaur and fish shaped cheesy bites. we enjoyed eating them for snack. We all had seconds as they tasty so good. We had great fun making a water fall using the wooden guttering and buckets. We did some great thinking on how to create it and how to catch the water at the bottom of the waterfall.
On Thursday we made a treasure map and we cut out some different pirate clues to stick on our map. Great scissors skills. We then use our maps to go on a challenged treasure hunt. We had to complete a number of challenges before we could look for treasure. We walked the plank by balancing along a plank, jumping from hoop to hoop across the sea, balancing and hopping along a line, feeding a shark a ball by throwing into a bucket and then then finding treasure under x mark the spot. We also played the key game where someone has the keys and someone has to guess who has the keys. We loved this game. In the afternoon we did some drama, we had lots of different resources and we had to use the props to act out to our friends. Our friends had to guess what we were doing. We did some fantastic acting.
On Friday we used the trim trail and challenged ourselves to complete the whole trail. We were amazing at balancing, climbing and swinging. We also enjoyed playing on the play trail acting out the story of Captain Flinn and the pirate dinosaurs. In the afternoon we played the key game where someone has the keys and someone has to guess who has the keys.
Throughout the week we have really enjoyed creating models using the lego and testing them out in the water tray. We have enjoyed playing pop up pirate and other games with our groups of friends. Pop up pirate made us all jump when he popped up. We have enjoyed listening to lots of stories and singing some of our favourite songs. Also we have enjoyed using Purple Mash on the computer to colour in some fish and exploring the different colours and textures. We have really enjoyed playing with the puppet theatre and make up our own stories using the puppets. Our friends enjoyed watching our shows. We have enjoyed playing on the balance bikes outside and love riding down the hill on them.
Group D:
We have had a lovely time last week. On Monday the children helped make a puppet theatre. The children were very creative and also made, tickets, a sign and a clock for performance start times. Throughout the week the children have enjoyed performing some very imaginative shows and watching others.
On Tuesday we went to the forest school area and collected resources to make some nature boats. The children enjoyed making all sorts of boats from speed boats to sail boats with bark, sticks and leaves. We floated them in our pool and then we were inspired to see which objects might float and which may sink.
On Wednesday we had a great morning on the field recreating some of our sports day races, playing games, rolling down the bank and exploring the meadow. We also made fruit boats for snack!
On Thursday the weather was a little unsettled, the children wanted to continue our boat making with junk modelling.
On Friday we had a lovely day mostly outside, playing in the mud kitchen, on the balance bikes and exploring bubbles. In the afternoon we made the most amazing den and even had a popcorn snack in there.
Group c
This week on Monday we learnt some facts about seahorses and coloured some. Did some marble painting to make wall art. Read the Hungry Caterpillar brought in by Evelyn and some fairy stories. Listened to the story of the Singing Mermaid. Began our salt dough mix.
Tuesday we started our salt dough sea creatures and mermaids. Read The Storm Whale brought in by Ruby. Played hide and seek with objects in the room, giving descriptive clues and find an object beginning with the letter sound chosen, the children were great at helping each other. We had a fire drill practice and the children were amazing.
Wednesday we started painting our salt dough. Went to play on the play trail and also played hide and seek. Made our own 'pizza people' for snack. Decorated our own mermaid tails. Worked at working out which number came next and before a given number. Made an obstacle course for the bikes and scooters. Made our own menus writing on the white boards.
Thursday we tried adding numbers together using our fingers. Made gingerbread men for our snack, as requested by Robyn. Explored with the paint mixing colours outside. Read stories brought in by Ruby and Evelyn. Lots of mud kitchen play.
We have created a tea towel with all of the children drawing a picture of themselves on it. We are about to send the template off to the tea towel company. Please return order form by Monday 13th July. They will be delivered after we have broken up for summer so we will deliver the tea towels to you once they have arrived.
Some of the children would like to dress up, from their idea we would like to invite the children on Thursday 16th July and Friday 17th July to come into pre-school in fancy dress costumes.
On Friday 17th July @4.00pm we have got a Pre-school virtual zoom disco. Please fill in the reply slip with an email address so a link to the zoom disco can be sent to you. We will be sending the zoom invite out this week via email.
If you are not at Pre-School we will be continuing to catch up with you throughout the week and we hope you are continuing with your packs. Please do email if we can help with anything. We are now in school 5 days a week so just give us a call and we will get back to you.
Here's to an amazing week of fun.
Julia, Suzanne, Helen, Karen, Colleen, Sharon, Zoe and Chloe
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